Establish a Prayer Perimeter Today

Establish a Prayer Perimeter

One of the first duties of any country is to defend its national borders, protect its own people. In the days of the Cold War an intercessor saw their national border in Scandinavia guarded along its length by praying watchmen and the enemy wanted to encroach but could not. Similarly the border between North and South Korea has been guarded by much prayer from the church.

It’s easy to overlook the necessity of praying for protection for ourselves, our families, churches and national leaders.

The Lord’s Prayer says, “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil”. This is a prayer for protection. Saint Patrick’s few surviving writings also proclaimed Christ around and within me, again a call for protection.

Russell Walden spoke on this subject during his recent visit, establishing a Prayer Perimeter. He referred to this Jewish year 5780, apparently one of glyphs/word pictures for the Hebrew number ‘8’ is a fence, a Perimeter. He felt the Lord was saying that in this season we needed to establish a Prayer Perimeter around our lives.

Like the Lord’s Prayer or those of the Celtic Church, it need not take long to pray and ask for protection today and every day.

Prevention is often better and easier than cure.

May you and your loved ones be blessed and fully protected by Heaven today.

Get out of the mind and into the Spirit

Acts 10 was a seminal moment in the birthing of the New Testament Church,

1 At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion….
2 He and all his family(runs in the family) were devout and God-fearing, he GAVE GENEROUSLY to those in need and prayed to God regularly.

Cornelius was devout AND gave of his wealth to others and this attracted a huge blessing of heaven. In a sense Cornelius paid for the blessing he and his family received in time and effort. He didn’t just receive money in return but he and his family and friends became the first non Jews to be filled with the Spirit. It was a new day, the Kingdom was no longer just for one people but now for all people!

Today it seems that the gift of speaking in tongues has become devalued. Maybe it’s a case of ‘familiarity breeding contempt’, many have been filled and can exercise the gift, but how many of us are doing it consistently?

Paul said, “I thank my God I speak in tongues MORE than you”. 1Cor 14:18
and “He who speaks in a tongue EDIFIES or builds up himself”. 1 Cor 14:4

I believe tongues is a gateway, an entry point, to the greater blessings of God.

Why not yield your tongue today and every day to the Spirit and enter into the things of the Spirit.

Be blessed as you connect directly with heaven through your speaking today.

The Lord has Need of it

Twice in the Gospels, Matt 21:3 and Luke 19:31 we’re told of Jesus entry into Jerusalem.

The Lord of all the earth, who came to save mankind, asked permission to use a colt to enter the city. He acknowledged another’s ownership in humility, even though He was fulfilling Zechariah’s prophecy 9:9

’Say to the daughter of Zion,

See your king comes to you

gentle and riding on a donkey,

on a colt, the foal of a donkey’.


Jesus didn’t snatch or take, He asked knowing it would be given.

Does He require something from us today? It may seem like we don’t have very much to give but Jesus needed that colt on that day for His entry to the city of Jerusalem.

Our dear friend Kitty Walden, says, “It’ll be there when we need it”.

We recently experienced a financial miracle, money was owed for a conference we were running, but on the morning it was starting a friend contacted me to ask were the costs covered? Later that day he helped cover a sizeable portion of the amount owed. Earlier that same day my wife had opened her bible at Isaiah 59,

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save,

nor His ear too dull to hear.

The colt was there waiting for Jesus, but when He needed it

Your provision will be there when you need it, in His will!

Have a blessed day as you walk out His plan for your life today


The Blessings of Spiritual Fathers (and Mothers).

12 Elisha saw this and cried out, “My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” 2 Kings 2:12

Elisha called Elijah his ‘Father’, denoting close personal relationship. He was called from the plough to ‘pour water on the hands of Elijah’. 2 Kings 3:11

Sometimes God connects us to people who profoundly shape our lives. Today we still talk about the ‘Desert Fathers’ in Egypt, those who held onto and imparted the truth and ways of the Kingdom.

It is a very special gift or grace of God to have a Spiritual Father/Mother in our lives.

I was so blessed in my own life with two distinct Spiritual Fathers.

In my early days, I picked up a man, called Eddie Moir, hitch hiking by the motorway. I spent some years visiting his home, several times a week, being schooled in the prophetic, tongues and interpretation.

Later, I met another man, Kjell Sjoberg from Stockholm, Sweden. He and his wife Lena, had been missionaries for 11 years in Pakistan. He had a very powerful Prophetic Prayer Ministry. He led teams of intercessors on Kingdom assignments to many nations. Some of the most exciting days of my life were during these trips.

One ministry was local in nature and the other global. Don’t just think that where you start is where you’ll finish. God is infinitely creative in His plans.

A Spiritual Father is one who gives of his very life to us. It’s not just the intellectual exercises of the classroom but something much deeper and more lasting.

There is much blessing in this type of relationship for a son and indeed the Father.

Paul said Timothy and Titus were his sons in the faith.

Does God want to link you to a Spiritual Father or Mother today? Maybe He’s calling you to be a parent to a younger brother or sister? This is a one on one relationship, not to the many. Depth is the goal, not breadth.

Blessings from Ireland, the ancient land of ‘Saints and Scholars’.

You’re going where you’re giving

A prophetic friend, Russ Walden, said the Lord had spoken these words to him. Could it really be that the direction of our lives may be influenced by our giving? When I look back on my own life it seems the principle was at work in several key areas even though I was UNAWARE of it.

In the early 1990s I see three areas where doors opened after I’d given modest amounts.

Queen’s University, Belfast, made an appeal for funds and my softly spoken mother urged me to support it. I ended up working there for over 20 years and using the generous holidays for ministry trips.

A powerful minister from Sweden, Kjell Sjoberg, visited Belfast and Ireland to lead prophetic prayer conferences. I later gave a gift to his Ministry and travelled with him to many nations as part of international prayer teams.

In January 1992 I travelled to Israel for the first time and became aware of the return of the Jewish people to their homeland, making Aliyah, in fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.  I supported them financially and have made ten further   trips to the Land. Most people make 1 or 2 trips in a lifetime.

All of these opportunities came together around the same period in my life and all happened as a result of supporting others at my own expense. Surely there is a kingdom principle at work here.

Give and it will be given unto you, Luke6:38. The returns were not just financial but coming onto my life’s path!

Finally, in the year 2011, I met a lady called Anne, who was going on a ministry trip to Lagos, Nigeria. I felt lead to give her a gift for the trip and today we are happily married. The principle still works.

The Lord loves a cheerful giver, 2Cor 9:7

Pastoral Care

Graham McCartney is a man infused with the love and wisdom of a shepherd. He has walked with spiritual giants in the kingdom throughout his lifetime and is hear to give you a listening ear and a kind heart to guide you through the most difficult situations. Use the calendar below to find available appointment times (in blue), then choose the date and time you wish your phone call to take place. You will be contacted with a confirmation e-mail and the number for you to contact Ann on the day of your appointment. Note that the requisite valuation for this time with Graham is £49.00 ($63.00 USD). We encourage you to invest in your personal breakthrough!


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Prophetic Counseling

Anne McCartney is a respected prophetic voice in Northern Ireland and the UK. She is available to speak to by phone for an in-depth prophetic encounter. Use the calendar below to find available appointment times (in blue), then choose the date and time you wish your phone call to take place. You will be contacted with a confirmation e-mail and the number for you to contact Ann on the day of your appointment. Note that the requisite valuation for this time with Anne is £149.00 ($192.00 USD). We encourage you to invest in your personal breakthrough!


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Hello, this is Graham and Anne McCartney! We are here to speak into your life, bringing edification, exhortation, and breakthrough. Check back often as this website evolves and launches as a powerful prophetic resource in the UK and around the globe! We are here to extend to you a personal connection to the prophetic through prophetic counseling and pastoral care. To schedule prophetic counseling by phone or to speak with a pastor, use the links above to bring up the calendar and to select the day and time suitable to your schedule.