Can God’s voice be heard in our lives today? Prov 8:32-36

Can God’s voice be heard above the STATIC in our lives?

Now then, My children, LISTEN to Me(Wisdom speaking); Blessed are those who keep My Ways. LISTEN to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the one who LISTENS to me, WATCHING DAILY at my doors, WAITING at My doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord. But whoever fails to find me harms himself. Prov 8:32-36

Wisdom tells us three times in these verses to LISTEN and be wise. Blessing for the person who ‘WATCHES ‘DAILY’ AT MY DOORS, WAITING AT MY DOORWAY’.

I’ve felt nudges in my spirit for some time now(not good to be slow at following and obeying God’s promptings) that I need to jettison/throw overboard some things from my life, namely too much time spent on the Internet(I don’t watch TV). I feel that they have become a DISTRACTION in my life, keeping me from following the Lord AND HEARING HIS VOICE.

DISTRACTION, a thing(ANYTHING, different for each one) that PREVENTS us from CONCENTRATING on something or SOMEONE(Wisdom) else. Some similar words; diversion, interruption, intrusion, interference(like static on a radio).

We live in the age of the ‘Sound bite society’, many short snippets of information diced and chopped(Edited) for our consumption. We hear about many things but know little in any depth, we are superficial, skimming the surface. God is a Love God, a Jealous God, who’d doesn’t want to be competing for our hearts, but to have us all(ALL OF US) to Himself. He is looking for EARNEST SEEKERS, NOT CASUAL ENQUIRERS and that’s at least part of the reason so many of us are not hearing more from Heaven today. There’s too much else going on inside us for the voice of the Lord to be heard. We do need to be still and LISTEN.

I believe I may have quoted Todd Weatherly before;


FOCUS, an ACT OF CONCENTRATING on something or someone. Another definition, adapt to the current level of light and become able to see clearly. If we walk from one light level/room to another, it takes time for our eyes to adjust and see clearly. In seeking the things of God, we may need to refocus our spirits to see and hear more clearly. But if we’re continually absorbed by and TALKING ABOUT the things of this world, then it becomes more difficult to focus on the Lord and the things of His world, our real home.

I love those who love Me and those who seek Me find Me. Prov 8:17

May God give us hearts to seek and find Him today.

God bless and keep us all in these days.




Yahweh, have ‘YOUR WAY’ in us today. Proverbs 20:24

Where are our steps taking us, who’s directing our lives?

Jewish people will not speak out the Name of Yahweh, it’s so Holy to them. During the past weekend I had the thought that in English “YAHWEH” rhymes with ‘YOUR WAY’.

God’s Word has much to say to us about ‘our steps’ and who is directing them, notably in Proverbs.

A man’s(and woman’s)steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way? Prov 20:24

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Prov 16:29

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Prov 19:21

Another verse, this time from the prophet Jeremiah;

I know, O Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for a man to direct his steps. Correct me, Lord, but only with justice – not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing. Jer 10:23,24

When we look at Scripture there are many lives which were directed by God for His plans and purposes;

Joseph didn’t want to be sold into slavery or imprisonment but God used him to rescue his whole family.

Moses didn’t want to spend forty years in the desert, but God used him to deliver Israel from slavery.

David didn’t want to be chased by Saul, ‘only a step from death’, but God used him to capture Jerusalem and deliver his own people from their enemies.

Finally, even the Lord hesitated at the thought of the cross, but submitted to the Father’s will(Yahweh) to redeem mankind.

Will we submit to God’s plans for our lives today, His higher purposes for us, or will we resist and seek to keep control ourselves?

We should understand that God will ultimately prevail;

The Lord foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm for ever, the purposes of His heart through all generations. Psalm 33:10,11

We will need God to be ‘directing our steps’ in the days that lie ahead. Please take some time to contemplate these verses and give our lives afresh into His hands today.

Yes Yahweh(Most High God), YOUR WAY for our lives.







Daniel faced death again, later in his life in exile. ‘His exceptional qualities’ V3, meant the king had chosen to set him over the whole kingdom, but the other administrators vehemently opposed that. They set out to get him, but;

They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Dan 6:4

Daniel was a captive of the Babylonians but he still provided service of the highest quality — he had a good attitude towards his work and his Babylonian masters (many today could learn from him and be blessed, ultimately all service is to God, Neh 4:6).

The opposition decided to attack Daniel based on ‘the law of his God’. They went as a large group to king Darius and asked him to establish a law in writing, therefore legally binding, that no one should pray to any God other than King Darius for thirty days. Daniel heard of the decree and had to make a decision that could cost him his life. He continued to kneel and pray to his God, three times each day, with his windows open towards Jerusalem. Daniel had a consistent ‘Personal Prayer Life’, he continually gave thanks to God and brought things before Him in prayer.

The other administrators went to the king and told him Daniel had disobeyed the decree. The king was determined to rescue Daniel and made every effort until sundown to save him. Dan 6:14 They used the law of Man to attack the servant of God. We are seeing laws passed in our days that are already being used against believers. It’s possible that many of us will face similar challenges ahead.

Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den and it was sealed overnight. It’s important to note that God rescued Daniel IN THE LIONS’ DEN, NOT OUTSIDE IT, he had to go through the trial for his life. God sent His angel to shut the lions’ mouths. The king was overjoyed but then turned his anger on the scheming nobles who’d plotted to kill Daniel. They’d attacked Daniel regarding his God and now they and their families suffered the same fate.

King Darius issued a decree that in every part of his kingdom, people must reverence and fear( the fear of God) the God of Daniel;

For HE IS THE LIVING GOD AND HE ENDURES FOREVER; His kingdom will not be destroyed, His Dominion will never end. He rescues and He saves; He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions. Dan 6:26,27

May the LIVING GOD protect and support you this day in all the challenges you may be facing.

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We are willing to seek the Lord for personal words of encouragement for those who wish them; please note a donation is required for this service. Contact us on our webpage and leave your request.


Honour the God who holds in His hand your life and all your ways. Dan 5:23

But you did not honour the God who holds in His hand your life and all your ways. Dan 5:23

No matter what happens around us we need to fear/honour God. The Jews were ‘exiles’, living in a foreign land with little or no control over their own lives. The Church is also in exile on the earth today(Heb 11:13,14) but God and His angels care for us just as they did with the Jews in Babylon.

God’s intervention in the lives of two Babylonian kings;

Nebuchadnezzar(father of Belshazzar)

1 Daniel, Jewish exile, interpreted his dreams from God.

2 One night, possibly alone on his palace roof, pride rose.

3 Judgement for a season, 7 years living alone in the fields.

4 Worshipped the one true God of Israel.

5 Restored to GREATER GLORY, after he humbled himself and acknowledged God as Sovereign in the affairs of men.

Belshazzar(son of Nebuchadnezzar)

1 Daniel interpreted the ‘writing on the wall’ to him.

2 One night, at his public banquet, pride rose in him.

3 Final judgement came to Belshazzar.

4 Praised the gods of silver and gold… who cannot see or hear or understand.

5 His kingdom was divided(loss of power) and his life ended

Daniel was a prisoner in exile but God gave him revelation to speak to kings, their own wisemen couldn’t help them. God put Daniel in a position of authority to the rulers, though he was a captive in exile.

‘GOD GAVE Nebuchadnezzar sovereignty and greatness and glory and splendour. Those the king wanted to put to death, he put to death;…to spare, he spared;…to promote, he promoted;…to humble,he humbled. But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory’. Dan 5:19

All authority is delegated from God and also removed by Him. We may not understand why tyrants are allowed to rule but God eventually deals with all in authority, they are not beyond His reach. Daniel served the kings of Babylon to his best ability, though they’d captured his people, but he also remained faithful to the Lord.

But you his son, O Belshazzar, have not humbled yourself THOUGH YOU KNEW ALL THIS. Instead you set yourself up against the Lord of Heaven.  Dan 5:22,23

God expected king Belshazzar to have learn’t from his father’s humbling and his heart change towards the Lord. When he flagrantly dishonoured the vessels of God in a public gathering, judgement came at once and he died.

God kept Judah for seventy years(span of a human life today!) and brought them back safely to their land. He is watching over His people on earth to bless us and bring us safely home when that day comes. Therefore, we too need to, ‘honour the God who holds in His hand our life and all our ways’.

God bless and keep you in the palm of His hand today.




God is our deliverer in time of trouble. 1 Kings 1:29

God keeps showing up at key moments for His people!

“As surely as the Lord lives, WHO HAS DELIVERED ME OUT OF EVERY TROUBLE…Solomon shall be king after me”. 1 Kings 1:29

Absalom had tried to snatch the throne from David his father; just one of many threats in David’s life. Again we see an elderly King David(the enemy doesn’t stop just because we’re old or weakened, but God is faithful!) faced with another attack on the throne of Israel by his son Adonijah. David had sworn to Bathsheba that Solomon would be the succeed him as King. Solomon had a calling on his life to build the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. The enemy wanted to abort this at all costs but God wouldn’t allow it. David proclaimed that as surely as God had been his DELIVERER all his lifelong, Solomon was king.

Jacob/Israel was also coming to the end of his life, when Joseph brought his two sons to be blessed by his father.

May the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the GOD WHO HAS BEEN MY SHEPHERD ALL MY LIFE TO THIS DAY, THE ANGEL WHO HAS DELIVERED ME FROM ALL HARM – may He bless these boys. May they be called by my name and the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac… Gen 48:15,16

Jacob who’d had to flee from his home after stealing his brother’s birthright and live alone in a foreign land, also knew God as his DELIVERER. God had tested Jacob but Jacob knew and had proven God was faithful in the difficult times of his life.

Daniel’s three friends, once again exiles in the strange land of Babylon, under threat of death by king Nebuchadnezzar told the king;

If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. Dan 3:17

They were in a strange land and at the mercy of a powerful king, but they took their stand on the Lord being much more powerful than any earthly ruler and sure enough the Lord was WITH THEM IN THE FURNACE!

It may seem as if you’re alone, in a strange place without help today but GOD IS WITH US! May we too have this testimony to tell, ‘He delivered us from all our troubles’.

May God bless and keep you this day from all harm.


The Lord is ready to restore fully all who turn back to Him today!

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, SO GREAT IS HIS LOVE for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west , so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12 (Selah, pause and consider that!)

HOW READILY AND HOW FULLY God forgives our sins when we turn back to Him. Repentance is all about turning from our way and our direction and returning to His way.

Two of my favourite Bible stories are about GOD’S CHOICE in the lives of two women who weren’t even Jews, Rahab and Ruth.

I think of Rahab and her family as a prime example of the mercy of God, rescued at ‘one minute to midnight’, just before disaster strikes the city of Jericho. Rahab was listed as an inn keeper/prostitute, the last person many would have considered worthy of rescue, BUT GOD DID! Only Rahab and her family left Jericho alive. Rahab is mentioned in Hebrews 11:31, the chapter on the ‘Heroes of the Faith’ and also in James 2:25 for her acts of Faith.

Ruth the Moabitess, followed her mother-in-law Naomi all the way back to Bethlehem. She wouldn’t leave her, even though the future was so uncertain, no prospects, but she was determined to go with Naomi. To leave her own people and be with the people of God;

Where are you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and YOUR GOD MY GOD. Where are you die I will die and there I will be buried. Ruth 1:16

It’s not just that they were examples for us to follow, which they were, but God grafted them into the line of Messiah! They were fully accepted and blessed by God;

Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was RAHAB, Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was RUTH, Obed the father of Jesse and Jesse the father of King David. Matt 1:5

I’ve been listening to a series of talks by the late David Pawson, on Simon Peter, entitled ‘The Reed and the Rock’. Simon means ‘reed’ and Cephas or Peter means ‘rock’. Peter was one of the three disciples closest to Jesus for the three years of His Ministry in Israel. Peter swore he would never desert Jesus, as did the other disciples, but Jesus told Peter, ‘before the cock crows, (daybreak) you will deny me three times’. The seriousness of what Peter had done, can be seen in Mark 16:7, when the angel/man from Heaven said, ‘but go, tell His disciples AND PETER!’ Peter was no longer one of the Lord’s disciples at this point, Jesus had to reinstate Peter three times, John 21 to undo his betrayal. Peter was to be the leader and spokesman for the early Church in Jerusalem. Sometimes, one with a high calling has to endure the greatest breaking in life(no further confidence in self) before they can step into all God has for them.

All three of these people suffered great loss and humbling, but all were granted full restoration and high position in the purposes of God. God wants this for you and I, we may have fallen but He has a plan and a place for us to step into today, don’t delay. He loves us greatly.

Father’s Love would be encouraged and blessed to receive donations towards the work of the ministry. Perhaps the Lord is speaking to you today about supporting His work, don’t delay. Donate today on our webpage;

We’re willing to seek the Lord for prophetic words for those who need personal encouragement, donations would be welcomed. Contact us on our webpage to request your word.

‘Jars of Clay’, ordinary containers holding great treasure. Jer 32:13 & 2 Cor 4:7

Jars of Clay, ordinary containers holding valuable contents.

We looked yesterday at the woman who poured out the ‘very expensive’ perfume from the alabaster jar onto Jesus body, in preparation for His burial. Mark 14:3 says she ‘broke the jar’ to pour the perfume onto Jesus.

The Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, while confined(imprisoned) in the courtyard of the guard awaiting the Babylonians to enter Jerusalem and deport the people into exile. He was told his cousin, Hanamel, was coming to sell him a field at Anathoth in Benjamin; silver would be more useful than land after they were captured. So Jeremiah bought the land as he’d been told by the Lord;

In their presence(witnesses to the sale)I gave Baruch these instructions: This is what the Lord almighty, the God of Israel says: take these documents,… And put them in a CLAY JAR so that they will last a long time.  For this is what the Lord almighty, the God of Israel, says: houses, fields and vineyards will again be bought in this land. Jer 32:13,14,15

God had decreed disaster for Jerusalem, but just before it happened He gave His Word that in the future, people would return from exile and once again buy and sell property in Judah. The Clay Jar was to be the container keeping God’s Word intact, during the seventy years of exile. That jar held the Promise of Almighty God for the future of the Jews and all mankind, through the Messiah.

Paul, when speaking to the Corinthian Church also refers to the new believers as ‘Jars of Clay’.

But we have this treasure(the light of the knowledge of God’s glory in our hearts) in Jars of Clay(the jar just contains the treasure) to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Cor 4:7

We too contain something which is of great value, God’s own Spirit living in us. Paul continues;

We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that THE LIFE OF JESUS may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus sake, so that HIS LIFE MAY BE REVEALED in our mortal body. 2 Cor 4:10

The anonymous woman broke her jar to release the perfume and anoint the Lord for burial. We too are ‘Light Carriers’ for the Lord, but the Jar of Clay(outer life) has to be broken for His light to be seen. We can tell the Lord we’re willing for Him to break this Jar of Clay.

God bless and keep you today.


Is God calling us to break/give up something in our lives, a sweet sacrifice, just for Him. Matt 26

We looked yesterday in Matthew 25 at the Parable of The Ten Virgins(5 came prepared to wait for the Lord) and the Parable of the Talents(the one who hid his talent was rebuked). This chapter ended with the Lord sitting on His throne and separating the nations/peoples into two groups, the sheep nations(those who will be with the Lord, pray for your country) and the goat nations, those who are rejected and will not be with the Lord.

Matthew 26 is about Jesus’ betrayal and His mock trial; no justice from the religious rulers for the Son of God(and Son of Man). Jesus had to go, He was too much of a threat to the institution governed by the religious rulers of the day. Derek Prince said that the greatest enemy of the True Church (those who know and love Jesus) in our days will be the Harlot Church. An organisation with a religious veneer, an appearance of respectability, but vehemently hostile to the Lord and His people. Organised religion hates Jesus and the Freedom He brings.

Matthew 26:6-13 tells the story of the woman who came to Jesus in the home of Simon the Leper(both of them may have been outcasts to their society).

… A woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. Matt 26:7

No doubt the smell of the perfume spread throughout the house, but some of them were annoyed at ‘this waste’.

Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman?” She has done a beautiful thing to Me(last recorded act of kindness to the Lord, before the sham trial and crucifixion). …she did it to prepare My body for burial(Jesus still patiently explaining things to His followers).  I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.

One anonymous woman was led to anoint the Lord’s body for burial, in a house full of people who didn’t understand the significance of what she was doing. Her faithfulness would be recognised wherever the Gospel was preached. God’s reward system is often very different to what we imagine it should be. This personal act of kindness to the Lord will be recognised everywhere the story is told.

Is God asking us to sacrifice something to Him, something very costly, that others may not understand? Something that once it’s broken can never be put back in the jar but will release a fragrant smell to Him, perhaps only to Him. Personal sacrifices to the Lord will be rewarded here on earth and in the age to come. God sees and knows our hearts and what we’ve given up for Him.

God bless and keep you this day.



Our time to serve is now, the time for our reward is ahead. Matt 25

Our time is now! Time to prepare/make ready for the Lord.

Matthew 25 begins with two parables, The Ten Virgins and The Talents. Both involved a time of waiting and how that time was spent.

The parable of The Ten Virgins, waiting for the Lord to come and the wedding feast to begin. They fell into two equal groups, one was wise and one foolish. The wise took their lamps and also some oil, but the foolish took only the oil in their lamps, they had nothing in reserve. They were all virgins and they all had lamps but the wise had extra oil, so what was the oil that made such a difference to their destiny? The Bible doesn’t tell us, but I believe the Virgins  represent purity and probably believers. They all had lamps, which could be light and understanding. The ‘Oil’ I believe is the Spirit and the things of God, or done for God while here on earth. The wise virgins were carrying their own oil, their lamps were burning when the Lord came, after midnight, in the darkness.

Later the others also came, ‘Sir! Sir!’ they said, ‘Open the door for us!’ But he replied, I tell you the truth, I don’t know you. Matt 25:11,12

The question for all of us, ‘Does the Lord know you’? Not our pastor or minister, nor our Church friends, but the Lord? We need to spend time now with the Lord, get to know Him and Him to know us. Set times and also as we go about our daily lives. ‘Practice the Presence of God’ or be ‘God aware’, inviting Him into our lives.

The Parable of the Talents also involved a time of waiting, for the Lord to return. He’d given His servants different amounts of ‘Talents’(giftings or abilities). The servant with the five Talents had gained five more, so had the one with two Talents. The servant with one Talent had buried it and had nothing to offer His Lord. Kjell, the man from Sweden,  whom I used to travel with, said the Lord had put gifts or resources in every nation so that the people could live. God has not given us all the same amount but he’s given each of us something we can use for Him. He calls us to be faithful and serve Him where we can in order that He can reward us.

Remember also, ‘To whom much has been given, much will be expected’. Luke 12:48

Matthew 25 ends with the Lord in all His Glory, sitting over the nations/peoples of the earth and separating them, once again into two groups, sheep(those who followed Him) and goats(those who but/offer excuses or butt with their heads against authority). The principle governing this division;

The king will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’. Matt 25:40

Helping the Lord’s children who are in need will be treated just the same as helping the Lord Himself, a powerful truth.

We need to use our time here for the Lord so that there will be blessings and rewards at His return.

God bless and keep you today.

What does the Lord want to reveal to each of us today. Luke 24

Does Jesus have more to show us than we’re seeing now?

After the crucifixion two disciples were walking along the road to Emmaus, talking about all that had happened.

Jesus Himself came up and walked with them; but they were kept from recognising Him. Luke 24:16

They told Jesus what they were talking about and He began ‘to explain to them what was said in the Scriptures concerning Himself’. They persuaded Him to come in and stay with them, as the day was almost over.

When He was at the table with them, He took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. THEN THEIR EYES WERE OPENED and they recognised him and he disappeared from their sight. Luke 24:30, 31

The Lord celebrated Communion for them and as He ‘broke the bread and gave thanks’, their eyes were opened!

Were not OUR HEARTS BURNING within us while he talked with us on the road and OPENED the Scriptures to us? They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven(Judas was gone) and those with them, assembled together and saying, “It is true! The Lord has risen…”. Luke 24:32, 33

While they were still talking about this, Jesus Himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you”. Luke 24:36

Jesus told His disciples to ‘look at and touch His hands and feet. It is I Myself’! He had to persuade them it really was Him.

Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms(that’s a very complete list and Jesus said He’s there in all of them). Then He OPENED THEIR MINDS so they could understand the Scriptures. Luke 24:44, 45

It’s worth noting that both times the disciples had their experiences BEFORE Jesus showed them what was in the Scriptures. It’s also worth noting that He did take time to show them that what He was saying was in the Scripture, even though they were looking at the Living Word.

We never come to the end of God(He’s infinite), there’s always more to discover. I believe that the Lord wants to reveal some things to us today, perhaps enlighten our understanding of who He really is FOR US PERSONALLY. He’s always willing and available to speak to us; He made the ultimate sacrifice for us to know Him.

Please ask Him what He wants to say to you today.

God bless and keep you, now and always.