Your trials are for your crown, James 1:12

As surely as the Lord lives who has delivered me out of all trouble… 2 Sam 4:9. (I’ve been speaking on the early part of David’s life on my Spreaker broadcast).

David spoke these words twice. Firstly just before he fulfilled Samuel’s prophecy and became king of all Israel and Judah. He was thirty years old and had already been through great  difficulties, chased by Saul and his army of three thousand men. He’d had to flee for his life and live with the Philistines, sworn enemies of God’s people(and feign insanity before their king).  He’d been constantly chased and was leader of a band of renegade mercenaries and their families; pressure from without and within.

He spoke them again, near the end of his life when he appointed Solomon his successor, 1 Kings 1:29. David’s testimony never changed, even though he’d had to flee for his life, from his own son Absalom, while he was king. He was a man after God’s own heart and yet he lived a life of great challenges. Many times his life and those with him were in great danger. How many of us would have chosen to live a life with such great trials, but his testimony to God’s faithfulness held firm.

‘As surely as the Lord lives’ (David knew he served a living God, not like the idols of the surrounding nations, still the same today), ‘who has delivered me’ (David knew God as Deliverer, so at times may we), ‘out of all trouble’ (the Christian life will have trials, but normally only for seasons!).

There is a story of a negro slave who was out hunting with his master. He couldn’t understand why he had so many troubles and the master had few. The master shot some duck and the slave ran to get them. The master shouted to get the wounded birds first, they were still alive. The slave turned and told the master, now he understood why he had trouble and the master didn’t. The enemy was going after the one who was alive, knew the Lord.

Consider it pure joy(really), brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds…, James 1:2

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, that person will receive the CROWN OF LIFE that the Lord has promised to those who LOVE HIM. James 1:12

David’s confessions of God’s faithfulness in his trials are recorded twice around the awarding of the crown. Brothers and sisters, YOUR TRIALS ARE FOR YOUR CROWN. Don’t give up, God is faithful!

God bless you.

We need to be filled afresh with Joy, by the Holy Spirit, Luke 10:21,22

The seventy-two expressed JOY when they returned to Jesus, Luke 10:17. Lord, even the demons submit to us in Your Name. The time of ministry had been a great success and they rejoiced at the victory over the powers of darkness. This marked the beginning of a new era of the conflict here on earth. The Name of Jesus had never been used before in confrontation with the powers of darkness(the Twelve were sent out in Luke 9).

At that time Jesus, FULL OF JOY through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure”. Luke 10:21,22

Jesus, in his human form, was filled with JOY through the Holy Spirit( He rejoiced through the Spirit in Him). He rejoiced that the Father had hidden things from the learned and revealed them to everyday people. What amazing things those ordinary people had seen as they’d gone out to minister in His Name.

Acts 16:34(also written by Luke), The ‘Philippian’ Jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with JOY because he had come to believe – he and his whole family.

Once again Luke records people who were filled with JOY as God moved by His Spirit.

I can recall in my own life how I was full of JOY in the early days of my walk with the Lord. I also had an experience of God at a conference in Italy many years ago, where many people were powerfully touched by the Spirit. I was actually asking the Lord to stop, as I was laughing so hard.

Life has a way of robbing us of our JOY(the JOY of the Lord is our Strength Neh 8:10), but it is the second named fruit of the Spirit and Jesus Himself was overjoyed by what His Father had done. Perhaps it’s time to seek the Lord for an infilling of His JOY and to walk afresh in it  each day. The jailer had it when he came to faith, so we need to learn to live in it and be thankful for all God does for us.

God bless you.


Rejoice that your names are written in Heaven, Luke 10:20

Rejoice that your names are written in heaven, Luke 10:20

Can ‘you’ believe that? Can you believe that your own name is written in a book somewhere in heaven? You may not be known or held in regard on earth, but Jesus said, ‘Rejoice’ that in heaven, the centre of all creation, your very own name is written in one of God’s books!

The seventy-two disciples returned rejoicing, ‘that the demons submit to us in your name’. Jesus said, ‘do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven’.

In the Amplified Bible it gives three references beside this verse;

Exodus 32:32, Moses speaking to Almighty God after Israel’s sin, ‘forgive their sin(this must have been a momentous pause) — but if not, then blot me out of the Book You have written’.

Psalm 69:28, David, ‘May they be blotted out of the Book of Life and not be listed with the righteous’.

Daniel 12:1, ‘At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people(Israel are divinely protected) will arise. But at that time your people – everyone whose name is written in the book will be delivered’.

Moses, David and Daniel all knew about the names in the book in heaven.

One time in Jerusalem, we walked into the cafe in Christ Church, near Jaffa Gate. A large man of God in a suit was sitting by a fire; it was January. He began to talk to me as I ordered some tea and then called my wife to join them. We shared communion with them in the cafe. He said as we’d walked into the building God had spoken to him and said, ‘those two people are mine and they have much to do for me’. God knows those who are His and He wanted us to know it that day. He was speaking to us, just as He’d spoken to His disciples all those years ago.

May you rejoice in your calling today and be thankful your names are written in heaven.

God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you.

Fathersloveministry is available to seek the Lord for a prophetic word for you, please make a donation.

Your answer may be in your own Hands, Luke 11


Luke 11 begins with Jesus IN PRAYER, while His disciples were present. One of them said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray (they didn’t know how to pray as Jesus did), just as John taught his disciples”.

Both Jesus and John, the two miraculous children proclaimed by Gabriel in Luke 1 taught their disciples to pray. It was a necessary part of their spiritual walk.

Vast numbers of books have been written on Prayer, some very learned and some helpful. Jesus recorded teaching was simple and brief; WHEN you pray, say:

Father (WE personally address the Maker of all creation),

hallowed be Your Name (respect to Almighty God),

Your Kingdom come (the true objective),

Give us each day our daily bread (asking for our own needs).

Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us (we need to remove blockages to receive answered prayer),

And lead us not into temptation (deliver from harmful enticements that would draw us away from You).

Jesus, goes on to tell the disciples about the friend (there was some relationship) who needed bread at midnight. He persisted until the man got up and gave him what he needed. Jesus said, V9, Ask, Seek, Knock (three ways of telling us to make our requests known) and everyone who does so will receive.

Susannah Wesley, mother of John, Charles and many children used to cover her head with her apron to pray. She raised mighty servants of God, who heard and watched her pouring out her soul to God. Smith Wigglesworth never prayed more than half an hour, usually much less, but never went an hour without praying! Perhaps the answer to our problems lies in our own hands and mouths, more closet time (prayer closet), or more carpet time (time on our faces before God).

May our voices be heard in heaven today and may our hearts be drawn closer to God as we seek Him in prayer.

Fathersloveministry is a faith based ministry and would welcome your support.  Ecclesiastes 1,  Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again. Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come  upon the land. (Heaven’s insurance policy).

DONATE now at

Thank you and God bless you.

Jesus sent out the Twelve and we too must step out, Luke 9

I added a late note to yesterday’s message about the many demands made on Jesus for ministry. The essence of the word was;


Jesus allowed needy people to make demands on Him(interrupt Him), but like the compass, He always turned back to the direction of His own calling.

Luke 9 begins with a radical change for the ministry, the sending out of the Twelve. In Luke 10 this is further developed with the sending out of seventy two others, in pairs, to tell and demonstrate the Kingdom.

Jesus had demonstrated the out working of the Kingdom to His disciples, but now it was their turn. He was not always going to be with them, so they had to be prepared to go out and do the work of the Ministry. Most years in September we see parents weeping as their tiny children leave for their first day at school, looking so small and vulnerable in oversized uniforms. However, that day must come when the little ones leave the parents’ side and take a step into the world for themselves.

V2, Jesus gave them power and authority to drive out demons and to cure diseases and He SENT THEM OUT to preach the Kingdom of God and heal the sick.

Like the little children (whom Jesus later held up as true examples V47) the disciples went out and began to do what they’d all seen in Jesus. That time of being SENT OUT must come for all of us. We must be willing to allow the Lord to SEND US OUT to be His representatives, His hands and voice. Step out in faith (it’s all by faith) and see what God will do for you and through you today. Be encouraged, the whole of Heaven is with you, just like the mother’s heart goes with child at the school gate. The place for the child has been prepared and the unfolding of another phase of life can begin.

May God bless you and keep as you step into His calling for your life today. Don’t delay, you’ve been placed here for such a time as this.

Jesus dealt with interruptions and moved on, Luke 8:40



In the last section of Luke 8, Jesus is called by a synagogue ruler, Jairus, to come to his house and heal his young daughter, about twelve years old, who is dying.

As Jesus WAS ON HIS WAY, the crowds almost crushed Him. V43 ‘And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her’.

Jairus’ daughter had only lived twelve years and the woman with the bleeding had suffered for twelve years and grew worse. The number twelve speaks of government or rule and it appears that in both cases the illness ruled. Jesus presence changed that in both cases, the authority of Heaven prevailed mightily and the rule of sickness was broken. Both women, from two generations were freed, no doubt with great relief and rejoicing.

Jesus days were not His own, people came to Him with endless calls for help ( never ending demands ). Yet, He was focused on the Kingdom and completing His ministry on here earth.

Jairus came to ask for urgent help for his daughter, but as Jesus WAS ON THE WAY another unplanned need came and the woman was healed. It’s easy to become upset when our plans are being frustrated by demands from others, but Jesus seemed to adapt to the changes in the programme and move on. I’ve mentioned before our friend’s saying, ‘blessed are the flexible for they will not be bent out of shape’. It’s good and often necessary to help people, but we also need to fulfill our own Kingdom calling, no one else can.

May God give us grace to deal with the unexpected needs that may cross our paths and move on with our lives in Him.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24)

So they will put My name on the Israelites (God’s people), and I will bless them.

You can speak this blessing over yourselves by inserting ‘me’ or ‘us’ into the verses.


Women supported the Jesus’ Ministry in the Galilee, Luke 8:1-3

In yesterday’s message, end of Luke 7,  we read about Jesus’ visit for dinner to the house of Simon the Pharisee. There were two main characters in the story apart from the Lord, an unnamed woman and Simon. The woman humbled herself greatly before the Lord and all in the house. Simon was judgemental in his heart towards her and the Lord. Jesus concluded the encounter with a short parable and a very pointed observation. V47  “Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven – for she loved much. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little”.

Luke 8,  “After this, Jesus travelled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him and also some  women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come  out;  Joanna the wife of Chuza,  the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means”.

In these verses we get a rare look at Jesus ministry team, which included the Twelve Apostles, but also interestingly some named women. These people had set aside their own lives to travel around with the Lord (walking long distances on poor or no roads in intense heat). Some of them had been healed and some delivered, so no doubt they felt great gratitude to the Lord and they supported the ministry out of their means. The word names some of them (wherever this Gospel is preached, they will be known), so their contributions were noted before God.

Luke records that Jesus ministered to women and they supported Him financially and helped as the group moved from place to place.

At the crucifixion, Mark 15:41, “ In Galilee these woman had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other woman who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there”.

The Gospels do record and acknowledge the role played by these women in Jesus early ministry. The Lord Himself accepted and received their support and so the church today should be grateful for their contributions.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace”.

It’s not a question of are we right, but do we love? Luke 7

What are our expectations(that’s a very significant question)? Where is the set of our moral compass? Life’s experiences and our natural dispositions have shaped us into the people we are today and sometimes we are set in  a very rigid view point. We have a friend who says, blessed are the flexible for they will not be bent out of shape.

Luke 7:36-50 has an account of Jesus’ visit to the home of Simon the Pharisee, which could have been such a great blessing.

V37,38 Into the mix came a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town(the fact was never in question ).  ‘She brought an alabaster jar of perfume, and she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped  them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them’.

This unknown woman was obviously greatly moved by Jesus presence and was doing all in her power to honour and revere Him.

V39 Simon however, lapsed into judgemental mode. He overlooked the tremendous sacrifice this woman was making forJesus, in his own house.

V40  The Lord knew his thoughts and immediately spoke to him in a parable. Two men owed different amounts, one greater than the other. Both were forgiven, which would love more? Simon gave the right answer, the one who’d been forgiven more(the weeping lady at Jesus feet)! Then He forgave her many sins.

V47 Jesus lesson was so pointed, ‘But the one who has been forgiven little, loves little’!

The cloak of religious respectability can rob us all of true forgiveness in Christ(we know that WE are not as others). The poor woman who cast away any pretence of self righteousness and was of no reputation, moved the Lord to forgive and bless. He’s willing and able to forgive all, for us and for others.

God bless and keep you.

God stopped David taking things into his own hands by a meeting in a ravine.

Blog No.2, Thurs 30.01.20, Spreaker audio broadcast.

A Love Story

1 Samuel 25:1, This chapter begins with the death of the national prophet Samuel(his word came to all Israel) and all Israel mourned him.

A rich and surly man, Nabal, was shearing his sheep and David who had protected them while they were near him in the desert sent ten of his young men to greet Nabal and ask him for a gift. The young men got nothing but insults, which they brought back to David. David and four hundred armed men set out to avenge this slight. V14 one of the servants told Nabal’s wife Abigail what he’d done(disaster is coming on us). She immediately got a gift for David and his men and set out to meet them.

V20, When she came riding her donkey into a mountain ravine, there were David and his men descending towards her! It was important to God that David did not take things into his own hands and slay Nabal( no unwarranted blood on David’s hands). God brought them to the mountain ravine at the same moment, couldn’t avoid or miss each other. God can also BRING US to people we need to meet with, in a ‘ravine type’ situation. Ask Him for the opportunity you want or need and leave the details to him.

V23-31, Abigail pleaded with David not to avenge himself on Nabal and spoke prophetically to him;

May your enemies and all who intend to harm you be like Nabal(did she sense something was going to happen to him?).

The Lord will certainly make a ‘lasting’ dynasty for David, lasting through Jesus. Let your life be secure with the living.

When the Lord has done all this for you, remember me.

David sent her away in peace, could have been so different if Abigail hadn’t met David in the ravine.

Nabal was feasting and drinking, but the next morning she spoke to him about David and his heart failed and he was like stone. About ten days later(David had sent ten young men), the Lord struck him and he died. David and Nabal hadn’t met, but God avenged His servant David.

The chapter ends with David getting  a ‘beautiful and intelligent wife’ V3. Abigail brought her five maids with her to David and 5 speaks of Grace. David lifted 5 stones for Goliath, 5 loaves of consecrated bread from the priest and now Abigail’s 5 maids.

God bless you.