A promise fulfilled(A)

Numbers 23:19 Amp Version.

God is not a man, that He should tell or act a lie, neither the son of man, that He should feel repentance or compunction ( for what He has promised). Has He said and shall He not do it? Or has He spoken and shall He not make it good.

What a beautiful Scripture for all who have had a promise or a prophetic word from God and as yet has not seen it fulfilled.
Sarah was old and really in the natural unable to conceive BUT GOD.
He had given her the promise and she was holding onto it and believing for it to come to pass.
We know she was not disappointed because what was impossible with man was possible with God.
When we get a prophetic word from God we need to take it and pray it through. We cannot just sit and wait and wait and wait on it happening.

Several years ago I had received a word from a pastor in the middle of a morning service. Part of the word was that change was about to come.
Every morning that I went to work I struck that day of on the calendar and kept saying God this is a day closer to change.
Exactly a year later one of the biggest changes in my life occurred.
It was not how I expected but it was as God wanted. I am forever grateful that He did it His way.

So today if you have had that word and have not seen it happen yet, rise up and keep your faith that what God has said will come to pass in His time.

A Divine Exchange(A)

Isaiah 41:10 Amp Version.

Fear not (there is nothing to fear), for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My (victorious) right hand of righteous and justice.

What a beautiful promise from God to us His precious children to fear not .

Fear not is mentioned 365 times in the Bible, YES one ‘fear not’ for every day.

What is it this day that your fear?

Fear of finances.
Fear of abuse.
Fear of death.
Fear of sickness.
Fear of our loved ones not knowing Jesus.
Fear of job loss.

There are so many reasons that the enemy uses to try and grip us with fear.

F… false
E… evidence
R… real

God tells us there is nothing to fear for He is with us.
He does tell us that there will be difficulties because of the trials in life, but because He loves us He wants to pour into our hearts and strengthen us in these times.

Twice in this verse He assures us with:

YES … He will help you.

YES … He will hold you up with His victorious right hand.

We have nothing to fear and I urge anyone today who is living in torment to call on the Name of Jesus and allow Him to reach out and take this burden from you and receive His peace and joy.

Jesus loves you so much He wants you to be set free today.

Draw close to God(A)

James 4: 10 Amp Version.

Humble yourselves (feeling very insignificant) in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you( He will lift you up and make your lives significant)

I wakened this morning with the scripture ,Come close to God and He will come close to you which is verse 8 of this passage of Scripture.

I have meditated on this today and know that what really is important is how we come before the Father. We need to come as the Scripture says humbly knowing that we are in His presence and that He wants us to be there.
He delights in you.
When we come before God with humility , and recognising that He alone can lift us up and make our lives count for His Glory…. what a beautiful thought.

Many of us feel unworthy because of past situations that the enemy is still trying to bring before us so that he can keep us away from God.
Our past is behind us stop allowing it to keep us away from God.

God is standing waiting patiently and longingly for us to fall into His arms and allow Him to set us free.

We sometimes feel that when we sort ourselves out then we will come to God, but that is not possible we need to come as we are and allow Him to shape and mould us so that are lives are significant.
God has a great plan and future for each of us.

Today I urge you to wait no longer but to seek Him as a matter of urgency and take this journey with Him one step at a time.

Below is a link I pray each one of you listen to it and are blessed.

Come to Jesus with your problems(Anne)

1 Peter 5:7 Amp Version.

Casting the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries,all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for he cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.

God spoke to me yesterday about how so many of us His precious children have fear deep rooted within us.
As I considered this today he continued to speak with this verse of Scripture in

1 Peter 5:7 … The words of Peter are a command. It is not God’s will for us His children to live under these burdens. He wants us to release them to Him.
We so often come our Father and ask Him to lift a burden from us and before we finish praying we have taken it back.

When we have carried something for so long it actually becomes a part of us that God never intended us to carry.
We also forget that when we worry about something it actually goes so deep that it can cause sickness and disease to our body.
So we need to cast it all off and not just a part of it otherwise it will just keep returning.
That is why Peter says all
All anxieties.
All worries.
All concerns.

God desires His very best for all of us. He does not slumber nor sleep. He cares for us affectionately and cares about us.
So I ask you to consider what you are holding onto that you should be surrendering to your Heavenly Father today.
By doing so you will have such peace, joy and have the freedom.
He so desires to takes your burdens today.