Gracious words are a Honeycomb, sweet to the soul. Proverbs 16:24
A card within a card and a message within a message. Perhaps a bit like Samson’s riddle at his wedding, when there was honey in the lion he’d killed.
A lady sent me a birthday card last week, thank you Maggie if you read this. The card was of a cricket scene and there were eight players visible on the pitch. This was prophetic for me, although I can’t go into full detail just now.
Eight is the number of ‘New Beginnings’ and the Lord has been speaking to me about CHANGE COMING throughout this year of 2025. We need to be ready to EMBRACE THE CHANGE IN THIS YEAR. Things will not be the same, nor will Old Wineskins carry what the Lord is about to release. We must be willing to EMBRACE CHANGE AND FLOW WITH WHAT GOD IS DOING.
The picture of the eight men playing is also prophetic to me because last week I crossed into my eighth decade, seventieth birthday. I believe that the decade ahead will be very different from anything before, as I said Change is coming!
But it’s interesting that there was a small card within the main card. It’s as if God was speaking prophetically and at the same time reminding me to speak graciously to others, especially His children. I believe that many times in the year ahead I’ll be sharing or thinking to myself the words on the little inner card. God is always speaking to our character, like any good parent He loves to see Himself in His children.
Gracious words are a Honeycomb, sweet to the soul. Proverbs 16:24
God may have spoken to you recently, but has He more to say than you first thought? Is there a message within a message for you, especially if you don’t feel satisfied with what you’ve received?
May the Lord bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.