Don’t give up on your blessing from God, He is mighty to save!

Don’t give up on your blessing from God, He is mighty to save!

The Shunammite woman who could hardly believe for the birth of a son, did believe for his resurrection. 2 Kings 4

The miracle son she’d longed for, suddenly became ill.

19 He said to his father, ‘My head! My head!’

His father told a servant, ‘Carry him to his mother.’ 20 After the servant had lifted him up and carried him to his mother, the boy sat on her lap until noon, and then he died. 21 She went up and ‘laid him on the bed of the man of God’, then SHUT THE DOOR and went out.

She ‘laid her son on the bed of the man of God’, that was the closest she could get to God at that moment. We read in 2 Kings 13:21 about the body thrown into Elisha’s tomb, that came to life and stood up. (Shock for the burial party!)

The woman hadn’t given up, then she went out and SHUT THE DOOR. No one knew the child was there, so no mourning could begin, she’d shut the door to it and wouldn’t permit it. Some of us may be in a position today where we need to shut the door and GO FORWARD looking to God alone. Some may need to shut the door to other distractions so that the plans and purposes of God may become manifest in our hearts and lives.


The Shunammite didn’t TALK TO ANYONE, such a temptation to talk to people and tell them what’s happened but sometimes, for our faith we must not do that. We shouldn’t give the enemy glory when something untoward occurs. This courageous woman had shut the door on her son and refused to speak, even to her husband V23, about the situation.

The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21

Finally she WENT IN HASTE to find Elisha, for she still believed for a miracle – that her child would live. She didn’t accept that what God had given should be taken from her, she wouldn’t give up. Both the Shunammite and then Gehazi travelled as quickly as they could, but Gehazi said, ‘the boy has not awakened’. She wouldn’t let Elisha go and he came to that room on the roof that had been made for him and in the place she’d made for the prophet, there God gave her son back. We never know how God will use the things we put into His hands, even simple, everyday things can become a mighty blessing.

The Shunammite in her dire emergency, SHUT THE DOOR V 21, TOLD NO ONE V23 AND WENT IN HASTE TO FIND GOD V 24. Her son was restored, dare to believe God for your own miracle today.

‘“‘The Lord bless you
and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face towards you
and give you peace.’” Numbers 6:24-26

May the Lord bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.

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