GET IN ON THE BEST. The Message, MSG (Really like this version)
CHANGE YOUR FOCUS, CHANGE YOUR LIFE – the message for us today.
David spent much of his life running or fighting his enemies and Israel’s enemies, so what’s new you may ask. However, when David wasn’t fighting, or leading the people around him, he must have been drawn to spend a lot of his time, ‘KEEPING COMPANY WITH GOD’. We know he wrote at least half of the Book of Psalms, so for sure he lived in a strong relationship with his God and believers still enjoy that fruit to the present day.
I believe I may have quoted someone in a previous blog, perhaps Kathie Walters or Anne Hamilton, who said that the focus of many believers was on battling the enemy in their own situations. David obviously had to do this repeatedly, but David always returned to God’s presence, whether it was to give thanks or just enjoy some peace and quiet there. The point is that in our day we NEED TIMES OF PEACE TO HEAR GOD and the enemy does all in his power to disrupt our connection with heaven.
Brother Lawrence was a simple monk who developed a strong relationship with God through turning his attention constantly to God during the course of his day.
As we grow in our faith we may become more knowledgable and thus have a tendency to complicate our walk with the Lord, but Jesus told people to keep it simple. Brother Lawrence achieved greatness through keeping a simple walk before the Lord. When we submit to the Lord and walk in step with Him, the enemy will no longer be able to agitate and frustrate us in the same measure. This may sound simplistic but there are many distressed people in this world today and many of those are believers. David learned to sit before the Lord and receive the wisdom and strength he needed in his life.