4 But that night the word of the Lord came to Nathan, saying: 5 ‘Go and tell my servant David, “This is what the Lord says: are you the one to build me a house to dwell in? 2 Samuel 7

Nathan replied to the king, ‘Whatever you have in mind, go ahead and do it, for the Lord is with you.’ 2 Samuel 7

We saw yesterday after the death of Uzzah that God didn’t press David to bring the Ark of God up to Jerusalem. Instead he poured out blessings upon the household of Obed-Edom, so much so that the news of it reached the King. God drew David back on track by showering down blessings where the Ark of His Presence rested. When we also see the blessing of God resting on someone or something that may be an indication of the best way for us to take.

In the next chapter (7) we see King David unsettled because he’s living in his palace of cedar while the Ark of God’s Presence is in a tent. Many times wealth and affluence dull people to the priority of God and His Name, but not David! He wanted better for His and Israel’s God.

Nathan replied to the king, ‘Whatever you have in mind, go ahead and do it, for the Lord is with you.’ 2 Samuel 7

Nathan was King David’s personal prophet, his job was to give David God’s counsel for himself and the people of God. Most leaders today have personal advisors, but very few have associates who can bring them the Word of God. The Kings of Israel had access to prophets anointed of God to speak to them and help them rule wisely. However in this situation God stepped in directly and countermanded the prophet’s first advice.

But that night the word of the Lord came to Nathan, saying:

‘Go and tell my servant David, “This is what the Lord says: are you the one to build me a house to dwell in? 2 Samuel 7

God blessed David and his family line through the prophet Nathan, but though David’s intentions were pure and honourable he wasn’t to be the one to build the Temple of God in Jerusalem. Nathan encouraged David on the basis that God was with him, but God didn’t allow David to proceed with the task. God knows the end from the beginning and He may have someone else He has chosen to take things forward in the next phase of a work. David made extravagant preparations for the coming Temple but the responsibility for its building passed to his son Solomon. Every leader must eventually pass on the work to the next generation. David contributed much to the preparations but it was to be Solomon’s project, the work passed on.

A new generation is coming to this Earth who will build the Kingdom of God to another level, not seen before. David fought many battles and defeated the enemies of his people. He made the way for Solomon to begin to build in peace, something completely new for the worship of God on the earth. I believe that’s God’s plan for future days across this world.

May the Lord bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.


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