11 One thing God has spoken,
    two things have I heard:
 that you, O God, ARE STRONG,
12  and that you, O Lord, ARE LOVING. Psalm 62 of David 

The Psalms are a favourite book of many people, but I imagine that they often came out of very trying circumstances in the life of David. It’s so easy for us today to read quickly through a short psalm and be unaware of the dangers and pressures which David faced that gave birth to his writings. The word ‘Selah – Pause and Consider’ doesn’t occur in this psalm but we can miss so much of the heart of David’s conversations with God by skimming through his psalms.

In physical training today there’s an acronym called TUT which stands for ‘Time Under Tension’. Some personal trainers are recommending that their clients SLOW DOWN and focus more on proper form and duration rather than pushing out larger numbers of Sloppy Repetitions. Perhaps we Believers would also benefit from adopting a SLOWER AND DEEPER PACE in our times before the Lord and not just ticking boxes for daily Bible readings.

David reveals much of his heart in this psalm before he comes to the lines above. He’s often seeking the Lord in difficult situations, when his very life is under threat, but by the end of his psalms he’s usually encouraged and magnifying the Lord above the circumstances facing him. His change of view only  matures as he becomes aware that the Mighty God is with him and Loves him greatly. May we too be encouraged like David as we rest quietly before the Lord until we also are assured of His great power and love for us.

God bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.


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