43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, PUT IN EVERYTHING – all she had to live on.’ Mark 12
43-44 He called his disciples to him and remarked, “That poor widow has given more than all those rich men put together! For they gave a little of their extra fat, (Literally, Out of their surplus) while she gave up her last penny.” Mark 12, The Living Bible
Jesus sat down to WATCH THE CROWD PUTTING THEIR MONEY INTO THE TEMPLE TREASURY. He drew the attention of His disciples to two classes of Givers they saw there and remarked on what He’d seen, His evaluation. Many gave out of their surplus which isn’t wrong, but one very poor woman, ‘Put in everything’. It took GREAT COURAGE TO PUT IN EVERYTHING and still does to this day, but the Lord highlighted her offering. Giving isn’t about money alone, Amy Carmichael gave her life to rescuing and serving orphan girls in India – she gave her all. Just one of many Believers who’ve laid down their lives to help others.
Abraham was willing to obey God and give up His only son Isaac, at God’s command. However, Abraham’s obedience brought incredible blessings.
16 ‘I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17 I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, 18 AND THROUGH YOUR OFFSPRING ALL NATIONS ON EARTH WILL BE BLESSED, because you have obeyed me.’ Genesis 22
Job also received a Double Portion after he’d endured severe trials from the devil and lost everything. Even Job’s wife didn’t understand why Job still kept his faith in God. I mentioned that a prophet had said recently, that it was always God’s intention to give Job an upgrade and the devil was just His tool for doing it.
Robin Bullock also spoke recently on Church International that he’d asked the Lord to show him how to live when he came to faith. Coming up to Christmas he made some things to sell and provide for his wife and daughter. But, the Lord told him to give all his money away to a family living in a car. Shortly after he obeyed, they received a call from a lawyer telling him that he’d settled an outstanding case for them and they received one hundred fold! The Lord told him that they should,’GIVE TO LIVE’, a new way for their new life in Him.
We can’t use things like this as a formula to manipulate God, but when we do give out of sincerity Heaven knows and honours our gift. The Lord will give us plenty of opportunities to give to others; we shouldn’t try to devise our own plans to test out God’s blessing.
The Lord bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.