Do we need to establish some times to draw aside, some CONSTANTS to be with God in 2024?
7 The Lord appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your offspring(seed) I will give this land.’ SO HE BUILT AN ALTAR THERE TO THE LORD, who had appeared to him.
8 From there he went on towards the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. THERE HE BUILT AN ALTAR TO THE LORD AND CALLED ON THE NAME OF THE LORD. (PROBABLY THE ONLY PLACE ON EARTH WHERE GOD WAS TRULY WORSHIPPED!) Genesis 12
Abram left Haran and set out for the land of Canaan as God told him. He built two altars on the land to God and worshipped him. Abram drew aside from the busyness of daily life to worship God on the land promised to him. I’ve heard it said that in building these altars Abram was drawing the land of Canaan into the Covenant with God.
Derek Prince and his wife travelled a great deal in serving the Lord, sometimes they ministered for months at a time. This meant they lived in different cultures, with different people, eating different food and hearing many languages. Part of their daily routine during prolonged Ministry trips was to share Communion together every morning, it was the Constant in their ever changing lives. They tried to keep God at the centre and give Him a place early (before Ministry engagements) in their lives. Continually giving out to others without rest and building our own inner strength is a sure way to burnout.
William Wilberforce, sometimes called God’s Politician, (he led the battle to abolish slavery in Britain) was in line for a cabinet post and by his own admission he had ‘risings of ambition,’ and it crippling his soul.
‘But there was a disciplined check and balance in Wilberforce’s life and in this particular situation that routine became indispensable. As biographer Gareth Lean says, “Sunday brought the cure.” For there came a regular time in Wilberforce’s private world every week when he rested.’ (Ordering your private world, by Gordon MacDonald)
“Blessed be to God for the day of rest and religious occupation wherein earthly things assume their true size. Ambition is stunted.” Wilberforce’s private journal
I have noticed in my own life that when I step away from focusing directly on a task, that many times the answer drops into my conscious mind. Stepping aside from daily life can bring a level of peace when the solution we’re seeking can manifest. God ordained times of rest to reflect on Him and the truly important things of life.
God bless and keep you today. Immanuel, God is with us.