MISPLACED LOYALTY can rob us of our future and our Destiny. 1 Samuel 2 (Eli the Priest and his sons)

27 Now a man of God came to Eli and said to him, … 29 Why do you  scorn my sacrifice and offering that I prescribed for my dwelling? Why do you honour your sons more than me by fattening yourselves on the choice parts of every offering made by my people Israel?’ 1 Samuel 2

MISPLACED LOYALTY can rob us of our future and our Destiny.

Misplaced loyalty (or mistaken loyalty, misguided loyalty or misplaced trust) is loyalty placed in other persons or organisations where that loyalty is not acknowledged, is not respected, is betrayed, or is taken advantage of. It can also mean loyalty to a malignant or misguided cause. (Quote from Wikipedia, describing the negative side of Loyalty)

A HEALTHY LOYALTY IS NOT PASSIVE AND COMPLACENT, BUT ACTIVE AND CRITICAL. Loyalty is a fine quality, but in excess it fills political graveyards. (Quote from Forbes)

Don’t let a MISPLACED sense of obligation or loyalty KEEP YOU BOUND TO PEOPLE who don’t support you. ‪(Cherylhunter)

We have crossed over into the New Year of 2024, but perhaps we need to consider and assess what we’re bringing with us. There may be relationships and situations that have not been working well for us in the past year and it may be time to move forward into something new. Change is usually Challenging, but if the Lord is in it, then it will be for the best, no matter how difficult the step.

God had chosen Eli’s forefathers when they were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt and given them a position of honour to serve Him, but now they abused their position and dishonoured Him. Our walk through this year and throughout our time in this world is never static, but always in a state of flux (the action or process of flowing or continuous change). There will be longer seasons when things will remain settled, but eventually circumstances will change.

18 At the Lord’s command the Israelites set out, and at his command they encamped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they remained in camp. 19 When the cloud remained over the tabernacle a long time, the Israelites obeyed the Lord’s order and did not set out. 20 Sometimes the cloud was over the tabernacle only a few days; at the Lord’s command they would encamp, and then at his command they would set out. Numbers 9

When we feel a dissatisfaction in our souls, God may be saying it’s time to move on. Sometimes through a prophetic word, or by circumstances or perhaps a scripture, better still by all of them. The important thing is to ‘Follow the Cloud of God’s Spirit’ and never be stuck in a rut! When it’s time to move on with God, then we must move or remain to our own detriment.

God bless and keep you today and throughout this Year. Hallelujah


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