10 “If you stay in this land, I will build you up and not tear you down; I will plant you and not uproot you, for I have relented concerning the disaster I have inflicted on you.” Jeremiah 42
The remnant left in Judah came to seek wisdom and guidance from Jeremiah the prophet, concerning their future. They pledged to follow whatever the Lord would tell them through Jeremiah, so he sought the Lord on their behalf.
7 TEN DAYS LATER THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME to Jeremiah. 8 So he called (them) together … Jeremiah 42
God speaks and leads us at the time of His Choice, He is outside of and Lord over time. While our hearts wait before God we are changed in deeper ways than we realise. We learn Humility and Trust as we wait for God’s answer. Bill Johnson said he asks God many things and God answers him, but often he has to wait. As he keeps his heart open and expectant an answer eventually comes through his thoughts, other people or by circumstances. The prophet Jeremiah knew how to wait for God’s Word.
11 “Do not be afraid of the king of Babylon, whom you now fear. Do not be afraid of him, declares the Lord, for I am with you and will save you and deliver you from his hands. 12 I WILL SHOW YOU COMPASSION SO THAT HE WILL SHOW YOU COMPASSION AND RESTORE YOU TO YOUR LAND.”
The remnant were afraid of the powerful forces around them and God addressed those fears and reassured them of His care. You may have a ‘king of Babylon figure’, threatening you now but OUR GOD IS FAR ABOVE THEM! The enemy uses fear a lot to incite the Believers of all ages into making wrong decisions. God gave His Word, Stay in the Land where I placed you and I’ll be with you.
Many people are experiencing difficulties at the present and the enemy and our flesh want us to escape those pressures. I believe God is telling us to trust Him and He will bring us through, don’t look to this world for a way out. This world system has been dominated by the devil and his agents, but they are going to fail and soon. Truly, there’s nothing to go back to. God is faithful and He will bless and protect us as we keep faith with Him.
24 ‘“‘The Lord bless you
and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face towards you
and give you peace.’”
27 ‘So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.’ Numbers 6
God wants to bless His people and He will do it. Hallelujah