13 He heard Manasseh’s prayer and found it sincere; He returned Manasseh to the throne in Jerusalem. From that day forward, Manasseh never doubted that the Eternal was the True God. 2 Chronicles 33, The Voice Bible

God did a full work of Restoration for Manasseh, He brought him back all the way from Babylon AND Restored his throne to him. Religion, living by a system of Rules, can never understand or accept the kindness and generous Spirit of a loving God and Father. We also noted yesterday, in the first verse of Chapter 33, that Manasseh reigned in Jerusalem for fifty five years. God blessed the now humbled King with a lengthy rule over the remnant of Judah.

I trust that we will meet Manasseh someday in the future.

Manasseh’s son Amon succeeded him as King and the account of his life is very short.

22 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, as his father Manasseh had done. Amon worshipped and offered sacrifices to all the idols Manasseh had made. 23 BUT UNLIKE HIS FATHER MANASSEH, HE DID NOT HUMBLE HIMSELF BEFORE THE LORD; AMON INCREASED HIS GUILT. 2 Chronicles 33

Verse 23, reveals an interesting outcome for the two kings. Manasseh eventually HUMBLED HIMSELF (he chose to do it while in exile and misery), but Amon INCREASED HIS GUILT. We also have the  choice to bow our knees or to go on increasing our guilt. No other options are mentioned.

24 Amon’s officials conspired against him and ASSASSINATED HIM IN HIS PALACE. 25 Then the people of the land killed all who had plotted against King Amon, and they made Josiah his son king in his place.

It’s an unfortunate fact that many times people close to us are the ones who commit the most dastardly crimes. In the Church today we might consider Character Assassination as a more common work of the enemy! How many times do we hear believers attacking brothers and sisters behind backs. (Don’t listen to them walk away)

21 The tongue has the power of life and death,
    and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18

Don’t be guilty of the sin of assassination (Character) of the Lord’s flock and especially not the leaders of the flock. Let the devil find someone else to do his work for him.

God bless and keep you today in all your ways. Immanuel

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