Two words for today, ‘WORSHIP AND WAR’. True Worship of the Lord always attracts the attention of the enemy and opposition, but we shouldn’t fear. Immanuel, God is with us. Amen

Two words for today, ‘WORSHIP AND WAR’. True Worship of the Lord always attracts the attention of the enemy and opposition, but we shouldn’t fear. Immanuel, God is with us. Amen

We saw yesterday that there were three voices in the account of the attack on Jerusalem by the Assyrian army.

The first voice was the boasting of the enemy trying to instil fear. Apparently God’s Word tells us 365 times not to fear, one for each day of the year.

The second voice was Hezekiah and the elders calling out to God for His intervention on behalf of the remnant still left in the land. God always hears the true voice of those in need. The LORD HEARD THE SHOUT of Blind Bartimaeus OVER THE NOISE OF THE CROWD. Mark 10:46-52

Finally, God spoke at length through Isaiah the prophet telling the remnant in Jerusalem that He would deliver them. Sennacherib may have thought he had escaped the wrath of Israel’s God, but it was only delayed. Ironically he was cut down with the sword while worshipping in the temple of his false god. His idol failed him, but the Lord saved His people. 2 Kings 19:37

We should not be afraid if the enemy seeks to launch attacks in today’s world, he’s tried it before and suffered heavy losses. I believe that we are close to a major confrontation between the forces of God and the current world rulers. They are being stripped of their position and power and may lash out in anger to take revenge, but our God is mighty to save.

God bless and keep you today and every day. Hallelujah


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