4 Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and HE WENT OUT AGAIN (WASN’T THE FIRST TIME) among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and TURNED THEM BACK TO THE LORD, THE GOD OF THEIR ANCESTORS. 5 HE APPOINTED JUDGES IN THE LAND, in each of the fortified cities of Judah. 2 Chronicles 19

There is, however, some good in you, for you have rid the land of the Asherah poles (Public) and have set your heart (Personal) on seeking God.’ 2 Chronicles 19

We saw yesterday that King Jehoshaphat made an unrighteous alliance with Ahab, King of Israel, which nearly cost him his life in battle at Ramoth Gilead. The Lord ended the alliance by the death of Ahab, as Micaiah, the only remaining prophet of Lord in Samaria had declared. Believers love for the Lord must always come before our relationships with others, especially those who have no love for Him.

When King Jehoshaphat came to power he promptly actioned two important initiatives.

17 Jehoshaphat his son succeeded him as king and strengthened himself against Israel. He stationed troops in all the fortified cities of Judah and put garrisons in Judah and in the towns of Ephraim that his father Asa had captured. 2 Chronicles 17

Are there things on a practical level which we should be doing in our own lives? The Bible first records the steps Jehoshaphat took to defend the land and people. Perhaps the Lord wants us to attend to something in our homes urgently. (Ironically Anne’s granddaughter is here and has been promised a reward for scoring 65 in her next term exams – she said her mobile phone needs putting away. A practical response to earn the bonus.)

In the third year of his reign he sent his officials … to teach in the towns of Judah. With them were certain Levites – and the priests Elishama and Jehoram. They taught throughout Judah, taking with them the Book of the Law of the Lord; they went round to all the towns of Judah and taught the people. 2 Chronicles 17

Jehoshaphat wanted his people to know God’s Truth and the right way to worship Him, so he sent the Levites and two priests out to the people. They taught them in their own communities. The Law of God became more accessible to them.

Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and HE WENT OUT AGAIN (WASN’T THE FIRST TIME) among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and TURNED THEM BACK TO THE LORD, THE GOD OF THEIR ANCESTORS. HE APPOINTED JUDGES IN THE LAND, in each of the fortified cities of Judah. 2 Chronicles 19

He wanted Justice and God’s Truth to be the Rule in Judah among the people.

He told them, ‘Consider carefully what you do, because YOU ARE NOT JUDGING FOR MEN BUT FOR THE LORD, who is with you whenever you give a verdict. NOW LET THE FEAR OF THE LORD BE ON YOU. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.’

11 ‘Act with courage, and may the Lord be with those who do well.’

Jehoshaphat was a King who thought about the well-being of the people he ruled over and led the way to promote and establish the Name of the Lord among them. Are there things we can do today to promote God’s Name and strengthen people we know? I’m sure there are some things we can do to honour His Name. Jehoshaphat strengthened both the physical and spiritual in the land of Judah – he was a great ruler for his kingdom.

May God bless and keep you today.

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