22 FLEE the evil desires of youth and PURSUE righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those WHO CALL ON THE LORD OUT OF A PURE HEART. 2 Timothy 2
We saw yesterday how Paul had used a metaphor of articles in a large house to speak of being fit for the Master’s use. We had to cleanse ourselves from everything of defilement to be used for the Noble Purposes of God. This is God’s will for all His children, not just a chosen few.
Then Paul tells Timothy to FLEE desires more prevalent in Youth, a specific season of life and PURSUE righteousness, faith, love and peace. (Young people need our prayers, especially in these difficult days, they create a way for God to intervene and help them. We can pray for any young people God lays on our hearts.) These two actions, Flee and Pursue, will require our effort and commitment. Once again the emphasis on holiness is highlighted, this time in connection with prayer and particularly corporate prayer.
23 Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.24 And the Lord’s servant MUST NOT QUARREL BUT MUST BE KIND TO EVERYONE, able to teach, NOT RESENTFUL.
Paul once again warns Timothy against becoming involved in FOOLISH AND STUPID ARGUMENTS which in turn lead to QUARRELS. (I’ve seen signs in cafes saying, ‘Will this really mean so much to us a year from now?’ No doubt to help protect the staff, from irate customers.) The final short phrase, NOT RESENTFUL, is easily overlooked but is important. When I looked up the word ‘Resentful’, a graph of word usage shows it has become much more popular, since about 1950. Resentful is a WORD OF OUR TIME and yet Paul warns Timothy and the Church not to entertain it!
25 Those who oppose him he must GENTLY INSTRUCT, in the hope that GOD WILL GRANT THEM REPENTANCE leading them to a knowledge of the truth,
Paul considers Repentance a gift from God, not something that man can accomplish apart from God.
26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.
How many people are captives of the devil and doing his will? Paul was speaking to Timothy about people in the Church, whom Satan had ensnared. They need to repent, that’s the way out of his clutches. A prophet we know often says that, ‘ the only currency of value in heaven is repentance’. Humbling ourselves and turning back to God is the safest thing to do.
God bless and keep you and have a wonderful weekend.