13 “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Go and tell the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, ‘WILL YOU  NOT LEARN A LESSON AND OBEY MY WORDS?’ Jeremiah 35


In the midst of coming severe judgement one family found Favour from God. (Two similar families that come to mind who were blessed in trouble are Rahab in Jericho and Jacob in Egypt during the famine.)

35 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord … “Go to the Rekabite family and invite them to come to one of the side rooms of the house of the Lord and give them wine to drink.”

But this family had been told by their ancestor Jehonadab;

But they replied, “We do not drink wine, because our forefather Jehonadab son of Rekab gave us this command: ‘Neither you nor your descendants must ever drink wine. Also you must never build houses, sow seed or plant vineyards; you must never have any of these things, but must always live in tents. THEN YOU WILL LIVE A LONG TIME IN THE LAND where you are nomads.’

They refused to drink the wine, even when offered by Jeremiah, the national prophet of Judah in the house of the Lord, they kept their pledge! They had lived in the way prescribed for their family until Judah was invaded, when they moved to live inside Jerusalem. Does God have specific guidelines, or RHEMA Words for your family’s way of life, which may seem foolish to others? (We’re all wise to heed the general, or LOGOS Word of the Bible.) Some people today still don’t drink alcohol because of family history and others just by personal choice. This is when paying attention to our personal conscience, discussed in yesterday’s blog, is so important. What’s God saying to us?

15 AGAIN AND AGAIN (God’s Patience) I sent all my servants the prophets to you. They said, “Each of you must turn from your wicked ways and reform your actions; do not follow other gods to serve them. Then you will live in the land I have given to you and your ancestors.” But YOU HAVE NOT PAID ATTENTION OR LISTENED TO ME. (Similar promise to that given to Rekab, but the Jews didn’t listen).

The Jews of Judah would be severely judged, but the Rekabites were sought out by God as an example and contrast to those around them.

18 Then Jeremiah said to the family of the Rekabites, “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘You have obeyed the command of your forefather Jehonadab and have followed all his instructions and have done everything he ordered.’ 19 Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘Jehonadab son of Rekab will never fail to have a descendant to serve me.’”

Faithfulness in the physical realm brought them protection (they would be kept safe through the coming judgement), along with Eternal Favour and standing as servants of the Lord. Their ongoing Blessing was similar to that given by God to David and the Kingship.


God bless and keep you and those you love, today.

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