“The whole earth is going to become an Upper Room!” Acts 1

12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey. 13 And when they had entered, they went up into the UPPER ROOM where they were staying … Acts 1

At the beginning of this year I was seeking direction for where the next Spreaker, Not Speaker, broadcasts should be from and I felt to begin the New Year in the Book of Acts. I finished the first chapter last week and began Chapter 2 yesterday.

Acts is strategic Book, linking the Gospels and the Epistles and it’s generally accepted that it was written by Luke, the doctor. He was probably the only non Jewish writer of the God’s Word.

Jesus appeared to the believers for a period of forty days; ‘Forty’ symbolises a new era. It rained forty days and nights when Noah was in the Ark, then a new beginning. Matthew is the fortieth book and first New Testament/Covenant Book.

Jesus is recorded saying three things to his followers before He ascended;

Wait in Jerusalem for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit! The three plus years with ‘wasn’t going to cut it’.

It wasn’t for them to know the ‘times and dates’ the Father had set by His own authority. (How much time is wasted today trying to guess at things God hasn’t revealed?)

They/We are to be His witnesses right across the whole earth.

Jesus ascended to heaven and two men in white appeared to tell His disciples and us, that He would RETURN IN THE SAME WAY.

His followers then withdrew to the UPPER ROOM and sought God in prayer for the promise of the Holy Spirit.

Before the outpouring of the Spirit, Peter quoted David’s words in Psalm 109:8, prophesying a replacement for Judas. They selected Matthias as the new twelfth apostle. The scriptures had to be fulfilled and things set in Divine Order.

Yesterday I read the first section of Acts 2, the coming of the Spirit, first in that Upper Room and then in public in such a powerful way that crowds flocked and the Church in Jerusalem was born! They knew the power and reality of the Spirit in that Upper Room and then went public to Jews from many nations (international gathering) in Jerusalem.

Last night we were listening to Johnny Enlow on Elijahstreams, Episode 40. They’ve been spending time with the Lord at the start of the Year. He said the Lord had spoken to him of an ‘outrageous prophecy’ which is the reason for this blog today.

“The whole earth is going to become an Upper Room!”

Wherever people are looking for God, He is going to come down in power right across the earth.

Johnny said that the early Church had been under a ‘triple lockdown’. By the armed forces of Rome, Herod the local governor and the Religious hierarchy of the day. But as soon as the Spirit came everything changed, they were UNSTOPPABLE.

38 And now I (Gamaliel) say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; 39 but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.” Acts 5

We have entered a New Year and I believe a new era of the Spirit on the earth.

May we experience the joy of being part of it. Hallelujah


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