Destinies are being decided today after two years in waiting, just as Joseph’s was.

Joseph’s first dreams were for himself, most dreams are for ourselves, but he was a young man and though true the dreams were for a long time in the future. He also had two dreams, confirmation of the message.

This is the account of Jacob’s family line.

Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, … Genesis 37

Two Dreams, his brothers’ sheaves bowing down to his and the sun, moon and stars also bowing to him. The Lord showed Joseph his future, but not all the steps in between to get him there. The vision inspires us, but the process is when God works on our character, crucifying our Flesh, the Old Rebellious Nature in all of us.

The second set of dreams were Pharaoh’s officials in prison under Joseph’s supervision. Joseph knew God could give him the interpretations these men sought and their dreams revealed their futures.

‘We both had dreams,’ they answered, ‘but there is no one to interpret them.’

Then Joseph said to them, ‘Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.’ Genesis 40

Two dreams with the same time frame but very different outcomes. Joseph SERVED THE MEN, BUT IN DOING SO GOD opened a way into the presence of the ruler of Egypt. SERVING BRINGS ITS OWN REWARDS WHICH MAY NOT ALWAYS BE OBVIOUS!

41 WHEN TWO FULL YEARS HAD PASSED, Pharaoh had a dream: Genesis 41

Joseph must have thought he was destined to spend the rest of his life serving in the prison, but God’s time for his promotion arrived. Pharaoh was given TWO DREAMS ON THE SAME NIGHT and didn’t know what they meant. His counsellors were of no help and then the cupbearer remembered Joseph. God had his own unique timing for the outworking of His purposes, just the same at the present time. This world has been held in captivity for almost two years, but God can end it all in a moment.

Joseph had no influence over the timing of his call into the presence of Pharaoh, he had to clean himself up and then he was right there, but so was His and Our God.

14 So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came before Pharaoh.

15 Pharaoh said to Joseph, ‘I had a dream, and no one can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.’

16 ‘I cannot do it,’ Joseph replied to Pharaoh, ‘but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.’ Genesis 41

DESTINIES ARE BEING DECIDED TODAY, after two years of restriction, just as Joseph’s destiny was decided when he interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams. We must be prepared to step forward when God’s opportunity comes and use our gifts, even though they may have lain dormant for a time.

29 For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn; he will never go back on his promises. Romans 11:29 TLB

God bless and keep you today.

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