27 As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.
30 As soon as Judas had taken the bread, he went out. AND IT WAS NIGHT. John 13
These must be some of the most poignant words in all of Scripture. Judas took the bread from the Lord and left those he’d been with for three years. He never was part of their company again. He left the Lord, the Light of the world and went out into the Night. Satan (The prince of darkness) was behind it all, but he needed a man to execute his evil plan. He still ensnares men and women today in his wicked schemes.
My Father will honour the one who serves me. (Amen)
27 “Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify your name!” John 12
Jesus had known what was coming and had wrestled with the thought of all that lay before Him. It was at the very heart of His taking on human form and sacrificing His life for all mankind.
53 Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. BUT THIS IS YOUR HOUR — WHEN DARKNESS REIGNS.” Like 22
Jesus spoke of this Hour (Greek, Hora) — it’s your time devil, to do your worst. It doesn’t mean a literal hour, but it was a time set by God Himself and it became Christ’s greatest hour and by Faith mankind’s greatest victory over the devil.
45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. 1 Corinthians 15
Nicodemus came to Jesus at Night and had his inner darkness enlightened with Jesus words, ‘you (all) must be born again’. John 3:3, 7
Jesus healed the man born blind and told His disciples we must do God’s work during the day, ‘Night is coming when no-one can work’. John 9:4
The enemy’s time has been set by God and Jesus overcame the Night on these three occasions, unique to John’s Gospel. We live in unsettled times, but God is in control of and above everything, including the plans of darkness in our day.
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Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, FOR GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER. 2 Corinthians 9:7
The Lord is no man’s debtor, Hallelujah.
God rewards those who give to Him, don’t miss out on your blessings, give to Him today.
We are available to seek personal words of direction and encouragement for those who want them. Please contact us on our webpage above. We can also provide counselling online, contact our webpage. A donation is normally required for this service.
The Lord bless and keep you today.