Two verses I read this morning in Proverbs 11 stood out.
9 With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors,
but through knowledge the righteous escape. Proverbs 11
9 Evil words destroy; godly skill rebuilds. Proverbs 11 TLB (The Living Bible puts the verse very succinctly)
8 A good person is saved from much trouble;
a bad person runs straight into it. MSG
9 The loose tongue of the godless spreads destruction;
the common sense of the godly preserves them. MSG
Sometimes it’s helpful to read a word in different versions and have a broader perspective on the meaning.
The other verse, 11:12 was similar in tone;
12 Whoever derides their neighbour has no sense,
but the one who has understanding holds their tongue.
11 The good influence of godly citizens causes a city to prosper, but the moral decay of the wicked drives it downhill.
12 To quarrel with a neighbour is foolish; a man with good sense holds his tongue. Proverbs 11 TLB
Finally a different topic, but perhaps a Godly warning for some today;
15 Whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely suffer,
but whoever refuses to shake hands (TAKES STRENGTH ‘TO SAY NO’ BUT SOMETIMES IT’S THE SAFE OPTION) in pledge is safe. Proverbs 11
15 Be sure you know a person well before you vouch for his credit! BETTER REFUSE THAN SUFFER LATER.
16 Honor goes to kind and gracious women, mere money to cruel men. Proverbs 11 TLB
15 Whoever makes deals with strangers is sure to get burned;
if you keep a cool head, you’ll AVOID RASH BARGAINS.
16 A woman of gentle grace gets respect,
but men of rough violence grab for loot. MSG
Some verses to ponder during our day.
God bless and keep you today.
(Tomorrow is a National Holiday in N.Ireland)