40 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Couldn’t you men KEEP WATCH WITH ME FOR ONE HOUR?’ he asked Peter. Matthew 26
Jesus was facing the greatest trial of His time here on earth, His coming crucifixion. It would be the last time he was with any of His disciples, Zechariah’s prophecy was completely fulfilled;
‘“I will strike the shepherd,
and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.” Zechariah 12:3
It would also be the last time He was alone, watching and praying! Jesus withdrew to bare the sorrow of His heart and to compose His soul before the severest of trials began. He was disappointed that the three disciples closest to Him failed to stay awake with Him. Sleep overcame them.
41 ‘WATCH AND PRAY SO THAT YOU (Peter) will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’ Matthew 26
Jesus addressed Peter, who denied Him three times before His crucifixion. Peter’s flesh betrayed him at a critical time, he gave way under the pressure of the hour. Jesus’ words speak to us also, can we not spend some time with Him? Spending time with Him, watching and praying, will strengthen our inner spirit man and help us not to fail when unexpected trials come. In the Parable of the Ten Virgins only half were prepared with additional oil, they’d spent time with the Spirit. The oil wasn’t transferable and each only had what they alone were carrying. The truth is that OUR SPIRITS LONG TO BE WITH THE LORD, BUT THE FLESH (The weak part) often dominates.
Jesus rebuked the ‘men’ with Him for not keeping watch, so perhaps this word is more important for men, but obviously applies to all His followers. I believe that women generally are more faithful in prayer, at least that would be my past experience. The Parable of the Virgins ends with the Bridegroom saying He never knew those who were kept outside. They were chaste virgins, but had no personal relationship with Him. Any relationship takes time to establish, but especially a love relationship. Other demands are gladly set aside for the sake of building those bonds.
Many in the Western Church today have believed that we make a one time decision and that’s it, we’re elected. However, the Lord rebuked His own disciples and had to reinstate Peter after his denials. We all need to take time to build our relationship and Watching/Prayer must be a part of that. We ignore it at our peril.
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The Lord bless and keep you today.