“I will arise out of the Fire” – something for us to hold onto today.

“I will arise out of the Fire” – something for us to hold onto today.

(David’s two wives, Ahinoam and Abigail, were among those who had been captured.) David was seriously worried, for in their bitter grief for their children, his men began talking of killing him. BUT DAVID TOOK STRENGTH FROM THE LORD. 1 Samuel 30 TLB 

4-6 David and his men burst out in loud wails—wept and wept until they were exhausted with weeping. David’s two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail widow of Nabal of Carmel, had been taken prisoner along with the rest. And suddenly David was in even worse trouble. There was talk among the men, bitter over the loss of their families, of stoning him.


Many times David and his men had attacked and plundered the Amalekites, 1 Samuel 27:8, but on this occasion their own camp had been raided. They were distraught at the loss of their families and wanted to kill David. When things go well leaders get praised, but when they go badly they often get blamed. Better by far to seek the Lord than blame those around us and that’s what David did.

We must learn to ‘take a punch’ ‘or withstand a blow’ and keep going. The enemy wants us to give up, but David found Strength in His God to get up and go on, after he and his men had wept bitterly.

16 for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again,
    but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes. Proverbs 24

David and his men had to stay in the fight to rescue those dear to them. Many times the enemy will attack those we love and hold most dear, but God will Strengthen and help us ‘TO RISE AGAIN’.

There’s a small city in N.Ireland called Lisburn, where I went to school a long time ago. Their motto is very relevant for many of us today, ‘ex igne resurgam (Latin) – I WILL ARISE OUT OF THE FIRE’. Many people in the world have gone through a time of severe testing, The Fire, but with God’s help, we His people will arise again to a better day. Hallelujah

God bless and keep you today.

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