7 When ·people live so that they please the Lord [people’s paths DRAW THE LORD’S FAVOUR] even their enemies will make peace with them. Proverbs 16:7

When anyone’s ways are pleasing to the Lord,
    he causes even their enemies to live at peace with them. Proverbs 16 

When ·people live so that they please the Lord [people’s paths DRAW THE LORD’S FAVOUR]
even their enemies will make peace with them. EXB

We have been looking in Titus how many times Paul (8 times), by the Spirit, urges Titus to tell the Believers in Crete to live Good lives. There’s an exciting promise in Proverbs 16 for those who please the Lord, it says that God Himself will make even our enemies (those who dislike us) to live at peace with us! The wording in the Expanded Bible is very encouraging, ‘our paths Draw the Lord’s Favour’. So there are blessings for living to please our God. Joseph sold into Egypt, Samuel the young boy who grew to be the judge and prophet of Israel, King David the youngest and a lowly shepherd boy, all walked in God’s Favour. God’s Favour will bless every area of our lives as we learn to walk in it.

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be READY TO DO WHATEVER IS GOOD, Titus 3

The heading in our Bibles for Titus 3 (added later by man) is ‘Doing what is Good or saved in order to do Good’, that’s the focus of this chapter. (Chapters were also added after by man)

Paul tells Titus that the believers must BE READY to do Good. They must BE PREPARED in life to take opportunity to do Good and God who sees our hearts will reward us.

8 And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God MAY BE CAREFUL TO DEVOTE THEMSELVES TO DOING GOOD. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. Titus 3

God wants us to be Careful to do Good. Jesus said when Joseph and Mary came looking for Him in the Temple, ‘Didn’t you know I must be about My Father’s business’. We as believers need to have the same attitude, God has called everyone of us for a purpose. Let’s try our best to fulfil it.

14 Our people MUST LEARN TO DEVOTE themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.

We have all come out of this world where we’ve been trained and conditioned to live in ways that are the opposite of the Kingdom of God. We have to LEARN GOD’S WAYS now and live differently to those around us. It may take time and effort to change, not to put ourselves first, but to look for ways to bless and be a blessing. As we walk on His path we will enjoy and Draw the Lord’s Favour upon our lives.

God BLESS and KEEP you today and everyday.

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