And by the fear of the Lord one DEPARTS FROM EVIL. Proverbs 16:6
Guilt is banished through love and truth; Fear-of-God DEFLECTS EVIL. Proverbs 16:6 MSG
Israel were God’s people, not Pharaoh’s, but because they lived in his land he was determined to ENSLAVE them and make their lives miserable. He was also determined to KILL the next generation and he turned to the medics of the day, the midwives, to accomplish his plan. At all costs Pharaoh wanted to prevent Israel from becoming the ‘Great Nation’ God had promised Jacob when he left Canaan for the last time. Genesis 46:3
The midwives, Shiphrah and Puah (honoured by having their names recorded in scripture) refused to obey the ruler at great personal risk. The reason given, they Feared God.
17 The midwives, however, FEARED GOD and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. 18 Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, ‘Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?’ Exodus 1
They were confronted for not murdering the Male infants, but they didn’t give in to tyranny. (Fear is Faith working in reverse and Fear will give rise to Tyranny, a quote from memory by Robin D Bullock).
20 SO GOD WAS KIND TO THE MIDWIVES AND THE PEOPLE INCREASED AND BECAME EVEN MORE NUMEROUS. 21 And because the midwives FEARED GOD, He gave them families of their own. Exodus 1
God would never allow His Plan for the salvation of mankind to be overthrown by a pagan ruler, steeped in the occult with his court magicians. This conflict would ultimately be the clash of two Kingdoms, (Egypt was destroyed, Israel were delivered) but for a time the conflict was played out on the human level with some casualties.
Are we seeing a repeat of this in our day? Government ministers, global media and the majority of the medical profession unceasingly tell people to submit to previously unheard of medical procedures. Governments in Europe have actually begun to impose lockdown on people who refuse to obey the dictates of the day. This continent, with all its western culture and technology, may be one of the darkest places on the planet.
All people, but especially God’s people, need to begin to learn to think for themselves again and not be gullible and swallowing everything presented to them. The pharaoh wanted total control and submission, he wanted to destroy the people of God, but that never happened. Only those who walked in the Fear of God were able to resist the pressures of that day, but they were known and blessed by God.
God bless and keep you today.