Proverbs has much to say about the tongue and it’s use, it’s good to remind ourselves what’s written in the Word.
Proverbs 10, there’s much wisdom given even in this single chapter and most times the sayings are straight forward;
11 The mouth of the righteous is a FOUNTAIN OF LIFE, (a vivid description of LIFE FLOWING from the righteous, but not necessarily the religious as my iPad just prompted).
20 The tongue of the righteous is CHOICE SILVER (of high value and worth listening to if we can find it),
21 The lips of the righteous NOURISH MANY (people are drawn to those who speak wisdom, they want to hear their words),
31 From the mouth of the righteous comes the FRUIT OF WISDOM (something satisfying to our souls),
32 The lips of the righteous know WHAT FINDS FAVOUR OR IS FITTING (this is a gift, to speak the right word at the right time – A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Proverbs 25:11).
These five verses in Chapter 10 give us positive things that may flow from the mouths of those who lead righteous lives. There are also two other verses in the same chapter which caution on the wrong use of the tongue.
8 The wise in heart accept commands,
but a CHATTERING FOOL (too busy airing their own views to follow instructions) comes to ruin.
Another version reads … and a TALKATIVE FOOL KICKETH! YLT
Instead of taking instructions, we can KICK OUT IN ANGER, God looks to see which we will do.
19 WHEN WORDS ARE MANY (a warning sign for believers), sin is not absent,
but the one who HOLDS THEIR TONGUE IS WISE (it’s often more difficult not to have our say when others around us are venting, but the Word cautions not to do it).
I was listening to a Derek Prince talk recently entitled, ‘If you want to Hear God Speak?’. I was impressed by an interesting point he made.
He stated that we needed to give open-ended time with no limits to waiting and listening for God to speak. He said we should ‘Stop praying and Start Listening’. ‘Most of us have done too much talking’, we needed to start listening. That was one the keys he gave to hearing from God, just listen instead of talking, filling the space with our own words. He said in his own life, most of the blockages were at his end and God had to deal with them first.
Good advice if we’re serious about hearing from Heaven, instead of just going on doing our own things.
The Lord bless and keep you today.