The opening chapters of the book of Numbers, unsurprisingly, have lots of numbers.
God told Moses to number the individual tribes and Judah with 74,600 was clearly largest. The men over 20 years old and able to serve in the army (able bodied) were counted, with a total number of 603,550 in all Israel.
Numbers 2 gives the order of the tribes ordained by God when they settled in camp. There were three tribes at each point of the compass and the Tabernacle (things of worship) was in the centre. God’s Tabernacle and the Holy furnishings were always at the centre of the people, whether marching or in camp. There was one other group who were not included in the list of the tribes, the Levites. The 3 families of the Levites were numbered separately, on a different register, so to speak. They totalled 8,580 men over thirty years old.
53 but the Levites shall camp around the tabernacle of the Testimony, that there may be no wrath on the congregation of the children of Israel; and the Levites shall keep charge of the tabernacle of the Testimony. Numbers 1
The Levites were in effect a protective shield between the Holy God of Israel and the people. Under the Old Testament Covenant only the priests and Levites could approach the presence of God in the Tabernacle. Today the Lord is our righteousness, His perfect sacrifice offered once for all.
King David had mighty warriors, all known by name who were close to him. There were the Thirty, then the Three and lastly Abishai, Chief of the Three, though not one of them. Jesus sent out the seventy, had the twelve apostles, then Peter, James and John and John was the beloved disciple. We are all accepted in the Beloved, Jesus, but some may have to walk more closely and more carefully with the Lord to fulfill their call. I remember Peter Wagner, possibly in his book, ‘The Prayer Shield’, included a little diagram with several steps. He believed that intercessors were several steps higher, closer to God, to hear things from Him and pray His will into being. Peter Wagner had a significant international ministry, yet he recognised others were called to be closer to God than him.
It’s interesting that men could fight in the army from 20 years but could only serve before the Lord from 30 years. Joseph entered Pharaoh’s service aged 30, Genesis 41:46 David became king at Hebron aged 30, 2 Samuel 5:30 and Jesus Himself began His public ministry at 30, Luke 3:23. God does look for maturity in His servants and there are certain positions that He will not allow people to step into until they are ready. People may be highly gifted, but there is something about maturity that can’t be rushed.
9 Give the Levites to Aaron and his sons; they are the Israelites who are to be given WHOLLY to him. Numbers 3
The Levites were wholly/entirely given to serve at the Tabernacle, they were completely given over to the things of God. We can’t be casual about the service of the Lord, He still wants our hearts for Himself and His work. Maybe some of us are being called to a closer walk with Him today and that may mean being set apart wholly to Him.
God bless and keep you this day.