Do not GRIEVE the Holy Spirit of God… Ephesians 4:30

Either the Dove adjusts to us or we adjust to the Dove. (Quote by RT Kendall from a story told him in N.Ireland)

30 AND DO NOT GRIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

In the Spreaker broadcast yesterday, Psalm 78:40,41 tells how Israel ‘GRIEVED God and Vexed the Holy One of Israel’. It may surprise us to know that God of the whole Universe can be ‘Grieved’ by the Attitudes and Actions of His people!

There’s a cross reference from V40 to Ephesians 4:30; ‘Do not Grieve the Holy Spirit of God’.

RT Kendall was told a story after he’d finished speaking in N.Ireland about a young couple who’d been sent as missionaries to a location outside Jerusalem. The house they’d been allocated, had a dove living in the eaves and they saw this as a seal of God’s confirmation on their ministry. After some time they realised that if they banged doors or got into an argument, that the dove would fly away. They became concerned that the dove might fly away and not return, hence the opening remark. Either they had to adjust to the dove or it to them. Having the dove so close to their home changed their lives! They could no longer afford to allow discord or strife in their home.

The verse following Ephesians 4:30 tell us firstly what NOT to do to encourage the Holy Spirit to stay. Get rid of all ‘bitterness and anger’, we can’t afford it in our lives if we want to know the presence of God’s Spirit with us. John the Baptist recognised Jesus as the Messiah because the Dove came down and Remained on Him. Unfortunately the Spirit of God often lifts off because of things prevalent in us.

RT Kendall made a couple of other interesting points. A younger pastor asked him what advice he had for him, just before he was getting ready to preach. His answer, ‘find out what grieves the Holy Spirit and don’t do that’.

He also gave a simple definition of Spirituality, how long between the time we sin and the time we acknowledge and repent or say sorry? Sometimes it can keep people apart for many years, what a tragedy.

If we really sense that this is something God is speaking to us about, then we could read, recite and think on these verses at the end of Ephesians 4:(29)30,31,32 several times each day as suggested in yesterday’s blog. If God is speaking to us we need to capture His direction and write this on our hearts.

RT KENDALL, has two messages on YouTube entitled, Sensitivity of the Spirit(he wanted to call it hypersensitivity) and ‘Pigeon Religion’, a follow on to the first message.

May God bless and keep you today.

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