God knows the right pace for each of us today.

God calls us to Meditate, consider deeply, His Word and His ways.

The first use of the word Meditate (exact meaning is uncertain NIV) in English Bibles comes in Genesis 24:63 concerning Isaac;

… for he was living in the Negev. He went out to the field one evening to Meditate – to ponder, consider, reflect on.

Isaac went out alone, to be by himself in the evening when the work of the day was over. Sometimes we need to get still and quiet, so we can hear God’s voice more clearly. In Genesis 3:8, it states that God was walking in the garden in the ‘cool of day‘ or evening time. God came down to meet with Adam and Eve in the evening of the day, so He expected them to be available.

Isaac would have known that his father’s chief servant had gone off to get a bride for him away from the women of Canaan and perhaps he was anticipating her arrival. He may just have been enjoying some peace and quiet after a busy day, we don’t know. But he looked up and saw camels approaching, Rebekah, his wife to be, had arrived and he may have been first to see her out in the field. Sometimes it’s the people who get away from the crowd who are the first to know when God’s saying or about to do something new, but it takes discipline to get up and go out alone.

Jesus spent much of His Ministry besieged by crowds of needy people, but at times even He had to go up to the mountainside alone and get away from the crowd. He said He only did what He saw His Father doing, keeping that connection was vital to all He did while on earth.

Paul also warned the believers in the NT Church not to loose connection with Christ, the head of the Church;

They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow. Colossians 2:19

Isaac brought her into the tent of his mother Sarah, and he married Rebekah. So she became his wife, and he loved her; and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death. Genesis 24:67

Isaac found comfort in his new wife after his mother’s death; he was possibly first to see her and then found comfort with her. Does God want to comfort someone today? Is He calling  us to come apart and be with Him?

When Jacob met his brother Esau, he wouldn’t go off at the pace of Esau’s men on their camels, he walked slowly and protected all the young. God knows the pace that’s right for each of us today and it may be different from those around us.

God bless and keep you today.