Peace from God(A)

John 14:27 Amp Version.

Peace I leave with you; My(Own) peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. ( Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled).

I started to think about this verse and how Jesus spoke those words the night before His crucifixion.

What a message He was giving to the disciples and also to us today.

Only He can give us real lasting peace, and we can live in that peace if we choose, everything else is only a temporary fix.

The enemy is always close by to help us to become anxious, so we try to justify and that causes us to be in sin.

When we become anxious we tend to run to everyone else , tell them the problem, ask their opinion, why do we never stop to think that we are portraying a wrong picture of our loving Father that we value their opinion rather than coming before God.
Allowing that person to see us being weighed down with the trial that has appeared in our lives.
We know trials will come, we live in a broken world.

The Scripture says don’t let your heart be troubled, nor let them be afraid.

Being anxious …. is the root of the problem. The enemy sets out to intimate and tempt us. No one is exempt from satan. He goes about seeking whom he can devour. We need to be on our guard day and night.

Prayer …. Is the answer, In all things give thanks that sometimes is hard to do but we need to start following the instructions.
When we pray we need to remember we are coming to God face to face and be quick to repent.

Psalm 66:18 If we regard wickedness in our hearts God will not hear our prayers.

Peace.. is the answer to our prayers. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding is the perfect peace that we all need today.

Come to your loving Father today and allow Him to give you His peace.

God’s blessing doesn’t mean an easy, comfortable life, but He watches over us until the end. Genesis 49

Jacob’s life ended with blessing, that is, blessing for others. Genesis 48 & 49

He probably assumed that when he got back to Canaan with his wives, families and livestock that his days of wandering were over; not so. Jacob still had to pack up everything once again and go down to Joseph in Egypt.

14 Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring.[a] 15 I AM WITH YOU and will watch over you wherever YOU GO, and I will bring you back to this land. I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU until I have done what I have promised you.” Genesis 28:14, 15

3 “I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid TO GO DOWN TO EGYPT, FOR I WILL MAKE YOU INTO A GREAT NATION THERE. 4 I WILL GO DOWN to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes.” Genesis 46:3, 4

God met with Jacob twice as he embarked on both of his long journeys, relocating to other lands(there were no removal companies in those days). He spoke and reassured him that He would go with him, watch over him and bless him, which he surely did.

The first point was Jacob had TO GO! He didn’t know on either occasion what awaited him, only that God promised that He’d GO WITH HIM.(Jacob went in faith and under force of circumstances, NB sometimes God doesn’t offer us any choice)! Jacob left the land God had promised and moved off in a different direction, twice. The crux of the matter is, not where we’re headed, but is God with us? Jacob was moving under God’s hand and His guidance, therefore God would be with him and bless him.

Jacob received the blessings of God on his life but it still wasn’t easy or comfortable, the opposite at times. God wouldn’t allow Jacob to finish his life until he had blessed each of his children, spoken God’s prophetic destiny over them. Genesis 49

By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff. Hebrews 11:21

Jacob still had his staff in hand, all he’d taken with him to go to his uncle Laban and now at the end, ‘he worshipped on his staff’, probably another staff.

Jacob’s blessing over Levi was not a good blessing, but Moses spoke a powerful blessing to Levi. Deuteronomy 33:8-11 God changed their blessing after they stood with Moses when he returned to the camp with the first set of the commandments. The camp was in uproar and the people were running wild, the Levites stood with Moses on the Lord’s side and restored order. They changed their destiny and God honoured them among all the tribes. It’s possible to change our destiny as we serve our Lord faithfully.

May God bless and keep you today.



Fathers love(A)

1 Corinthians 16: 14 Amp Version.

Let everything you do be done in love (true love to God and man as inspired by God’s love for us).

Yesterday was supposed to be a special day in the calendar where we show love to each other ….. I know for many this sadly might not have been the case, but as Christians we should be showing it every day and not just yesterday.

John the Apostle tells us that if we do not love…..We do not know God .

GOD IS LOVE 1 John 4:18.

We need to demonstrate love every day to people we find it difficult to be around and not just some days.
Oh what precious love we carry as God’s children.
We are His ambassadors and we need to show His love to all mankind.

I was in Nigeria a few years back and I was being taken to a meeting. I was amazed by the volume of horns being blasted so I said to the driver .. is this how you show love. That man told me later that God used me to speak to him.
I was in a place where God could use me.
The love of God melts the hearts of people because there is no love like it.

Love is the currency of Heaven…. and we carry that love because of Jesus on the inside of us . Keep using that currency.

Love demonstrates itself in action. When was the last time you did something to demonstrate the love of God to someone who was not your husband or wife.

Sometimes we need to view that person through the eyes of Jesus.
That very thought can transform relationships in our workplace or family.

Jesus went to the cross in love for that other person as well as going to the cross for us.

Our thoughts, feelings and actions should be done with Godly love towards God and everyone else.

I thank God for His love and mercy while I was still a sinner .

Be still (A)

Psalm 46:10 Amp Version.

Let be and be still, and know(recognise and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the Earth!

What an encouraging Scripture for all of us who find it difficult to be still and quiet before God.

Let be and be still…. means to rest and allow rest to come, allow others to rest, be quiet and be at peace.

Quite often in our home you will find my husband and myself in different rooms. That’s not to say we don’t want to be together but we both know we need to let the other be quiet and allow each other to rest in His presence so that we can be with God.

We live in a society where we have so many distractions and demands on our lives that it has become difficult to take the time to just sit at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to minister to us in a way that only He can.

What is the demand on your life today that is more important than your walk with God?

We need to recognise and understand for our spiritual well being , time spent with Jesus is a daily necessity.

Be still is an instruction …means doing nothing, just allowing Jesus to fill you to overflowing and to bask in His presence… a beautiful place to treasure.

Know that He is God and that He can take the crisis you are in and turn it around for your good and His Glory.

We need to focus on this Scripture today and not just know that He is God but allow Him to be God in our lives.
Give God that time today and be still to hear what He has to say.

It could be a life changing moment.

Verse 11
Goes on to say He is our Refuge ,our High Tower and stronghold.

A refuge is a place of shelter and safety. A place to find comfort.
In times of trouble we all need to turn to Jesus and find comfort there.

There is a verse in the Hymn
What a friend we have in Jesus where it says;

In His arms he’ll take and shield you.
Thou will find a solace there.

Jesus is calling you today to come and spend time with Him as your refuge, you will not be disappointed .

God’s purposes will prevail in the midst of all the Shakings.

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
that can succeed against the Lord.
31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but victory rests with the Lord. Proverbs 21:30, 31

The final outcome of human history has already been written – NO PLAN, earthly or demonic can succeed against the Lord(our Lord!).

Joseph means may ‘He add’ and in Egypt God built a nation.

Three things from the time of Joseph that happened during a SHIFT OR SHAKING(Famine) of the Mediterranean area;

SILVER, they didn’t trade in currency (no mints in those days), the Israelites tried to buy grain with precious metal. (Joseph returned the silver in his brothers’ sacks, Genesis 44) I don’t want to be alarmist but Currencies may become worthless in the future.

Joseph was alone when he revealed himself to his brothers. Genesis 45:1 Jesus will reveal Himself to His brothers, the Jews, at a time of His choosing with no one else present.

GOSHEN, the place prepared by Joseph and the Lord for His people in Egypt. A ‘Community of God’s people’ in the midst of a land dominated by false gods. Communities of peoples, under God’s government will appear on the earth. People will flee there in desperation to find help as life becomes more difficult under harsh anti-God rulers. The Bible talks of Cities of Refuge and the Church has known places where powerful Revival broke out; God is well able to provide for His people in any and every situation.

In the time of Jesus and the early Church, Roman rule extended over a vast area – an empire (the legs of iron of the statue in Daniel 2). Roman government, roads and currency saw a huge explosion in trading. The Greek language was also the common language of the people. God and the Church used it all to carry the message of the Messiah’s coming throughout the known world.

Today we have the Information Highway or the Internet. Huge quantities of data are being collected/mined by governments and private companies on people right across the earth, but God has also used the technology for His purposes. Despite attempts to silence or manipulate world news, God’s plans for the close of the Age are advancing.

God used Laban to trick Jacob and birth a large family. He used the ‘Iron Furnace of Egypt’ Deuteronomy 4:20 to birth a nation/people for Himself. He used the Roman Empire and Greek language to spread the Gospel message and enlarge the Church.

God will use the technology and the WORLD WIDE SHAKINGS/SHIFT of the present time for His Kingdom purposes. There will be birth pains, a normal part of the process, but God’s purposes will prevail and they’re the only hope for mankind.

While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth. Daniel 2:34, 35

Father’s Love would welcome your support for this Ministry, please Donate on our webpage today;

Give and it will be given to you, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap.

We’re available to seek personal words for those who want them. Please contact our webpage. A donation is normally required for this service. We also provide online counselling for any who wish individual ministry.

God bless and keep you today.


An individual act of love to the Lord, was recognised by heaven for all time.

Jesus’ journey to the cross began with His anointing, by an unnamed woman – the last act of kindness He received.

Now the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread were only two days away, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were scheming to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him. “But not during the festival,” they said, “or the people may riot.” John 14:1, 2

Passover, the time for sacrificing the Lamb had come. John the Baptist had initially identified Jesus as THE LAMB OF GOD;

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29

The time for Jesus’ sacrifice had come and this unnamed woman understood what was about to happen. He’d told His own disciples, but perhaps they didn’t believe things had progressed so far.

…a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. John 14:3

She poured out the most expensive thing she could give in preparation for Jesus’ death. This woman understood what was coming for the Lord. There was no point in praying against it, it had to be accepted. Nor was there any good in fighting it in the Flesh as Peter swung the sword(the Flesh will often rise up to fight when threatened). She prepared the Lord’s physical body for death, the best she knew how and this act of kindness was recorded for all time.

Some of those who witnessed the scene ‘Reacted strongly’(they could have just said nothing) and attacked the ‘waste’ of pouring the expensive perfume on the Lord’s body. They measured her action with the wrong yardstick, just using earthly value. Maybe they were jealous they hadn’t thought to do it, but more likely, they wanted to hold on to the money for themselves. A loving Father gave His best, Jesus the Son, for sinful men;

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32

In John 12:41-44 Jesus praised the poor widow, another unnamed woman in the Bible and said she’d given more than all the wealthy people in the Temple. Surely God is looking for those who are willing to serve Him, to give now and be rewarded in time AND eternity.

God bless and keep you today.

Prayer Life (A)

John 14: 14-15 Amp Version.

(Yes) I will grant (I Myself will do for you) whatever you shall ask in My Name (as presenting all that I AM).
If you (really) love Me, you will keep(obey) My commands.

This morning as I was praying God stooped me in my tracks and ask me the question
‘What is your prayer life like’.

All I could think was what a question, and it did take me unawares because I knew God knew exactly what my prayer life is like.

What concerned me was He knew the amounts of times I had not involved God in my problems but had carried on in my own thinking and ways.

Leonard Ravenhill once said – No man is greater than his prayer life.

What is your prayer life like today?

I am sure like many you started the New Year by making prayer part of your daily routine but has it dwindled because of not seeing answers to what you have need off.
Do we keep coming to God with a list of I want, I need … is it always pleading for ourselves or does our prayer list bring Glory to God.
We must be in relationship with Jesus that we can trust Him and ask Him with sincere hearts.
Jesus has said … I will personally answer your prayers whatever you ask in my name ( again what brings Glory to the Father).

Pray often… if we only prayed when we felt like it, I know the enemy counter attacks you with don’t need to or you feel tired and busy. The list would be endless to stop us praying.
Unbelief keeps us from praying.

Pray honestly… Nothing is hidden from God, He knows our hearts.
Be honest and tell God why you feel hurt, tired, disappointed or sick.

Pray without ceasing…We need and can bring everything to God in prayer. How many of us send a shooting prayer to God when we find ourselves in situations

Sometimes I can honestly say they are the best prayers because God is all knowing and seeing.

Take your problems and your needs to the lord in prayer ( be specific) and see the miraculous happen.

If you (really) love me. Is God your everything today.

Times of great fruitfulness amidst times of pressure.

Does this time of global crisis(pandemic) herald the next great advance for the Kingdom of God?

It’s interesting to read how God’s plan to redeem mankind unfolds in the Book of Genesis. Firstly through Abraham, brought out from his own people(a SHIFT) to the land of Canaan. Then came Isaac(the miracle child) who was blessed in that land, but didn’t take a wife there, didn’t mix with the idolatry of Canaan. Finally the story of Jacob, who took his brother’s birthright and blessing.

Jacob’s life was under threat from his brother Esau and he had to flee from the land of his inheritance to his uncle Laban. Jacob left Canaan with his staff and returned after twenty years with four wives and eleven sons. In the dislocation(or SHIFT) from the land Jacob became the patriarch of a large family. God’s plan had increased from an INDIVIDUAL to a FAMILY during the long period of DISRUPTION in Jacob’s life. The greatest fruit came in the time of pressure, when Jacob was alone with God in a distant land, far from all who knew him.

Next came the story of Joseph who was also torn from his father’s house and enslaved in Egypt (Both Jacob and Joseph had no choice  in their SHIFTS, but God watched over them while His plans unfolded). God had decreed that Famine would strike the land of Egypt and Canaan was also affected. Jacob would never have left Canaan because he knew God had promised to bless him there, but he had to do something to feed his large family and so they looked to Egypt. Joseph was there in control of the grain stores. This was another GREAT SHIFT for the people of God, they all went down to Egypt and became a NATION there. In the time of greatest pressure, the plans of God continued to develop  towards the day when the Messiah came and ALL PEOPLE/GENTILES  could turn and know God(another huge SHIFT for the followers of God of that day).

In Genesis chapters 42 & 43 Joseph met his brothers again, though they didn’t know him. The time had come for Joseph to be reconciled to his brothers. The time for Israel and the Church to be reconciled may also be near(there are Jewish believers today) but God has Covenanted that ALL ISRAEL(the Remnant) will be saved.

In Genesis 43:32 the Egyptians wouldn’t eat with the Hebrews, they ate separately with Joseph. (The Bible tells us that there are cities in the land of Egypt that will turn to God at the end). There may be those of Egypt(World) who will never sit with God’s people.

Is God about to direct the Church into Egypt and increase His People greatly before the Lord returns? The world has changed and man has had no say in it. I believe we are on the eve of the great Endtime Harvest.

Great Fruitfulness under Great Pressure – irrelevant things will fall away as we need the Lord for these times.

God bless and keep you in these changing times.





Trusting God (A)

Proverbs 3:5-6 Amplified Version.

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognise,and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

Two very well known verses of Scripture.

To be able to trust someone you have to know them very well.
We would never trust people we do not know.

We need to be able to place our hearts at the feet of Jesus, and by doing so it leaves us no room to be anxious or allow the enemy to sow doubt in our minds.

To lean not on your own understanding causes us to lean into the everlasting arms of Jesus…. what a precious place to be resting.

Today I was sharing some things with Graham(my husband) and he said for us get God’s best we have to allow God to choose what is best.
Waiting on God bringing the best to us means being patient and that is something we can all find difficult.

God is never in a hurry BUT HE is never late so please be patient and acknowledge Him in ALL things and He will make the path plain for you to see and walk in it.

Allow God to choose the best path for you today as it really does begin with trust and ends with God.

Being faithful to Walk out our destiny, as Joseph did. Genesis 42

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

If it feels like we’re stuck in a prison it may be difficult to believe that God is directing our lives for His best purposes, but He’s always wants the best for us.

Joseph had his two dreams, one of his brothers’ corn sheaves bowing down to his and the second of the sun and moon(his parents) and the 11 stars bowing to him. God had a destiny planned for Joseph and He has one planned for each of us as well. Joseph’s destiny lay apart from his family, in a foreign land where he was a slave. The Lord had blessed him in Potiphar’s house but that was only for a time and he finally ended up in prison. Joseph couldn’t see any way out the prison but God was working; two of Pharaoh’s servants were incarcerated in the same prison. They eventually had dreams and Joseph interpreted their dreams  accurately. Pharaoh’s cupbearer was reinstated and his baker was executed.

A further 2 years passed before Pharaoh also had dreams about the coming situation for the land of Egypt (God gave a national dream to the national ruler). God’s time had come to raise Joseph from the ‘prison to the palace’ as some speakers describe it. God given dreams that could only be interpreted by God’s man, His unique way of bringing Joseph into Pharaoh’s presence and with a proven track record. So Joseph interpreted the dreams(through God) and told Pharaoh the application to save Egypt. He became second in command of all Egypt because that was God’s destiny and purpose for his life.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts”. Isaiah 55:8, 9

If we are always sure of the way our lives must go, it’s probably not God! He does give us understanding in certain situations but His ways are higher. Derek Prince had a series of talks entitled, ‘If you want God’s best’ and the first condition was, ‘If you want God’s best – Let God Choose’. God knows far better than us the ‘best way’ for us to go.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

I was listening to a talk by Dutch Sheets (on the Give Him 15 series) and he brought out that the original meaning of this verse includes the thought that God has ‘measured us’ like a tailor for the tasks assigned for us. We are ‘tailor made’ for our calling. Our flesh, which has to be crucified, may struggle with that as Joseph did. However, when we are led by the Spirit there is a grace and enabling to fulfill our calling, our reason for being here.

May God bless and keep us today as we fulfill our God ordained destiny.