Jesus is not coming back for the INDIFFERENT – but for those LONGING FOR HIS APPEARING. 2 Timothy 4:8
I awoke this morning with the words, ‘Press On’ in my mind and I actually wrote them down. The sense of, ‘Keep going, don’t stop, don’t give up’.
Paul used these words writing about himself, to the Philippian Church;
12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I PRESS ON to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind (forget the past and look ahead) and STRAINING TOWARDS WHAT IS AHEAD. I PRESS ON towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14
I PRESS ON to fulfill the Lord’s Calling on me and to Win the Prize awaiting him in heaven. Paul had to encourage himself to PRESS ON, on both these counts.
I also listened recently(on YouTube) to a short clip of the late Derek Prince speaking at a large gathering in New Zealand, entitled, ‘Are you ready to meet the Lord?’ At the end of his message he referred to an earlier time in New Zealand when he’d spoken about the strongman(chief principality) over a nation. He told them that they needed to identify what that spirit was, but as he spoke the Lord showed him the ruling spirit which a friend in the meeting later confirmed. He said the identity was a bit of an anti climax, but he knew it was from the Lord and he had a powerful deliverance ministry. The spirit was, ‘Indifference’.
Dictionary definitions give us a picture of what or who is involved; A LACK OF interest, concern, sympathy. Also a LACK OF enthusiasm. It also implies a FALLING SHORT of a Standard of Excellence. My wife Anne, uses the word ‘Excellence’ a lot, especially concerning the things of God.
Apparently a common saying in New Zealand is, ‘She’ll be alright Jack’. Leave it alone, it’ll work out or be alright. The spirit manifesting in the language of the people! What do people in your area/country say in their daily speech that reveals the strongman over the land?
It seems amazing that such a simple name as ‘Indifference’ could represent the main spirit dominating an entire nation. That’s the enemy’s main strategy to hinder the kingdom of God for the land and its people. Derek Prince felt strongly led in his spirit to call the people to come forward and kneel down before God(very unusual to ask for kneeling, sincere repentance required) and humble themselves if they were ‘indifferent’ to the Lord.
Paul, the great apostle, must have sensed opposition to his own calling and destiny when he wrote his letter to the Philippians. The spirit in this world despises the Lord and vehemently opposes His return. Paul was determined to Press On, complete the job and win the prize.
May God give us all a fresh longing for Jesus appearing today.
God bless and keep you.