God is much bigger than your problems – step back and listen to Him!
Moses reported this (God’s deliverance and their future inheritance) to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage. Exodus 6:9
The Israelites had heard Moses speak about God’s concerns for them, but things had only gotten worse. Their lives were full of suffering and hardship, they were consumed by the difficulties of daily life as slaves in Egypt. The enemy will try to do the same in our lives today (if we allow it), he wants us to be so consumed by the problems we face that we stop listening to the Lord. Often, the solution we need is not on the human level, God wants us to turn to Him and let Him deal with our situations. God’s ways are perfect, our ways may just make things worse, so step back from the problems and begin to seek the Lord.
‘Sacrifice thank-offerings to God,
fulfil your vows to the Most High,
15 AND CALL ON ME IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE (God’s Promise of His help at a vital time);
I will deliver you, and you will honour me.’ Psalm 50:14, 15
He who sacrifices thank-offerings(can be praise and worship) honours me,
and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God.’ Psalm 50:23
Twice in psalm 50, God tells us to sacrifice ‘thank offerings’ and honour Him and He will deliver us. Take some time to think about these verses, they may be the key to help us in a time of trouble.
Moses and God through Moses was speaking to two groups in Exodus, His people Israel and Pharaoh and his court. In a sense it was laughable for two elderly brothers to stand before Pharaoh and his court and demand to be allowed to go and worship God. A leader of slaves versus the leader of a kingdom, but actually Egypt was the much inferior force. God didn’t just want to release His people, He was using His people to judge Egypt and it’s gods. I believe that will happen again in our day, as the pressures on the people of God increases, so will His judgements.
The Israelites were just not equipped to fight against Egypt and there are battles we are not able to fight today (but God is with us!). The answer for us is to step back and invite God to intervene in these battles (Call on Him in the day of our troubles and give Him thanks and praise). We may also have to speak to the Pharaoh (ruling figure) behind our situations and demand our release to serve the Lord. In the psalms Israel gave the Glory to God for their victories, they honoured Him. A man I once knew said, ‘If we praise God in the victory, we’ll never have to plead with Him in defeat’.
God bless and keep you today.