God is in control, His perfect government – don’t be afraid just believe. Mark 5:36

God is in control, His perfect government – ‘Don’t be afraid just believe’. Mark 5:36

Exodus 4, God is preparing to move His people, Israel, out of the land of their slavery. (12 families have now grown to 12 tribes, a nation under God, in great adversity) A power confrontation is coming between the Sovereign Lord and Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt. God met with Moses and showed him some signs, with his staff, his hand in his cloak turning leprous and water turning to blood to demonstrate to Pharaoh.

Exodus 5, Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and told him to let Israel go to the desert and hold a three day festival to worship the Lord. Pharaoh turned nasty, didn’t let them go and refused to supply straw for them to make their quota of bricks. ‘The Israelite foremen realised they were in trouble’ Exodus 5:19

Things may get worse before they get better but continue to trust/hold on to the Lord – He is in control!

Mark 5:21-43, we read of two miracles in quick succession.

Jesus was in a crowd, many people were milling around Him, but two people in that crowd had purpose. They didn’t just want to be around Him, they had specific needs to be met. How many of us come to God with purpose, even like Mary, to really focus and listen to what He’s saying? A woman was there, really there/totally present, may well have been her last chance to get well. For her this was serious, she’d been bleeding for 12 years Mark 5:25 and her money was gone. She was probably weak but pressed through in faith to touch Jesus clothes and immediately her bleeding stopped. Hallelujah! After 12 years suffering this woman, a daughter of Israel still believed in her God and her story had a happy ending.

34 He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.’ Mark 5:34

Jairus, whose daughter lay sick had come to Jesus to beg for His help, but it seemed too late. 

35 While Jesus was still speaking, some people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. ‘Your daughter is dead,’ they said. ‘Why bother the teacher anymore?’

36 Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’

One daughter was healed and immediately they were told another daughter was dead. Jesus words, ‘Don’t be afraid, just believe’.

Jesus went to Jairus’ house and went in where the child was and said(not prayed), ‘little girl get up. Immediately the girl stood up and walked around(she was 12 years old)’. Mark 5:41, 42

The number ‘12’ stands for government, or God’s perfect government. In all three of these Biblical accounts the number ‘12’ is recorded. God ruled over all these situations and He still does today! As I said at the beginning, things may initially seem to get worse but God is in control, trust Him no matter what the circumstances. He wants the best for us and is well able to deliver it.

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. Isaiah 59:1

God bless and keep you today.


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