Seasons in life(A)

Ecclesiastes 3: 1 Amp Version.

To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven.

As we start to approach Spring here in Ireland and leave Winter behind we start to witness new life.

We definitely have a spring in our step to witness the newness of life in so many ways. I watch the new lambs arriving and think of God as our Shepherd watching over us through every season in our lives.

This passage is so appropriate for all of us .. God has appointed the times and the seasons in our lives. We have to endure the good and the bad. We cannot live on the mountain tops all the time although many would say they could easily, but there would be no growth or development. We need change to cause that to happen.

The assurance in our lives is that God is walking with us through all the seasons.

Change can be challenging in every season but Praise God He is with us.

I remembered the poem today…

Footprints in the sand.
In the good times there were two sets of footprints and in the bad there was only one set of footprints. That was the time God was the closest to us as He was carrying us and taking the load from us.

Even Jesus had to go through seasons in His life.
Isaiah 53: 3.He was a man of sorrows and pains, acquainted with grief and sickness.
The seasons we go through and have to endure are part of the plan God has for us.

So today give thanks with a grateful heart this season is about to change.

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