Prayer Life (A)

John 14: 14-15 Amp Version.

(Yes) I will grant (I Myself will do for you) whatever you shall ask in My Name (as presenting all that I AM).
If you (really) love Me, you will keep(obey) My commands.

This morning as I was praying God stooped me in my tracks and ask me the question
‘What is your prayer life like’.

All I could think was what a question, and it did take me unawares because I knew God knew exactly what my prayer life is like.

What concerned me was He knew the amounts of times I had not involved God in my problems but had carried on in my own thinking and ways.

Leonard Ravenhill once said – No man is greater than his prayer life.

What is your prayer life like today?

I am sure like many you started the New Year by making prayer part of your daily routine but has it dwindled because of not seeing answers to what you have need off.
Do we keep coming to God with a list of I want, I need … is it always pleading for ourselves or does our prayer list bring Glory to God.
We must be in relationship with Jesus that we can trust Him and ask Him with sincere hearts.
Jesus has said … I will personally answer your prayers whatever you ask in my name ( again what brings Glory to the Father).

Pray often… if we only prayed when we felt like it, I know the enemy counter attacks you with don’t need to or you feel tired and busy. The list would be endless to stop us praying.
Unbelief keeps us from praying.

Pray honestly… Nothing is hidden from God, He knows our hearts.
Be honest and tell God why you feel hurt, tired, disappointed or sick.

Pray without ceasing…We need and can bring everything to God in prayer. How many of us send a shooting prayer to God when we find ourselves in situations

Sometimes I can honestly say they are the best prayers because God is all knowing and seeing.

Take your problems and your needs to the lord in prayer ( be specific) and see the miraculous happen.

If you (really) love me. Is God your everything today.

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