Forget the former things(A)

Numbers 23:19 Amp Version.

God is not a man, that He should tell or act a lie, neither the son of man, that He should feel repentance or compunction ( for what He has promised). Has He said and shall He not do it? Or has He spoken and shall He not make it good.

What a beautiful Scripture for all who have had a promise or a prophetic word from God and as yet has not seen it fulfilled.
Sarah was old and really in the natural unable to conceive BUT GOD.
He had given her the promise and she was holding onto it and believing for it to come to pass.
We know she was not disappointed because what was impossible with man was possible with God.
When we get a prophetic word from God we need to take it and pray it through. We cannot just sit and wait and wait and wait on it happening.

Several years ago I had received a word from a pastor in the middle of a morning service. Part of the word was that change was about to come.
Every morning that I went to work I struck that day of on the calendar and kept saying God this is a day closer to change.
Exactly a year later one of the biggest changes in my life occurred.
It was not how I expected but it was as God wanted. I am forever grateful that He did it His way.

So today if you have had that word and have not seen it happen yet, rise up and keep your faith that what God has said will come to pass in His time.

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