1 Peter 5:7 Amp Version.
Casting the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries,all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for he cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
God spoke to me yesterday about how so many of us His precious children have fear deep rooted within us.
As I considered this today he continued to speak with this verse of Scripture in
1 Peter 5:7 … The words of Peter are a command. It is not God’s will for us His children to live under these burdens. He wants us to release them to Him.
We so often come our Father and ask Him to lift a burden from us and before we finish praying we have taken it back.
When we have carried something for so long it actually becomes a part of us that God never intended us to carry.
We also forget that when we worry about something it actually goes so deep that it can cause sickness and disease to our body.
So we need to cast it all off and not just a part of it otherwise it will just keep returning.
That is why Peter says all
All anxieties.
All worries.
All concerns.
God desires His very best for all of us. He does not slumber nor sleep. He cares for us affectionately and cares about us.
So I ask you to consider what you are holding onto that you should be surrendering to your Heavenly Father today.
By doing so you will have such peace, joy and have the freedom.
He so desires to takes your burdens today.