It was a new day for the Israelites after the Lord delivered them. Exodus 14:31

Let My people go so that they may worship Me. Exodus 5

Moses, God’s Deliverer, spent 40 years in the desert, away from the seat of power in Egypt. God heard the cries of His people Exodus 2:24 and remembered His Covenant with them. So God met with Moses, and sent him to Egypt to deliver ‘His people’ from the hand of a tyrant and from the gods of Egypt. Exodus 12:12 Moses was no longer a young man, now 80 years old but God had preserved his strength and most importantly he knew the Lord. He was not chosen from the ranks of those in authority over Egypt, he’d been in God’s training place, the desert. The only sound he heard were the sheep and the wind in the desert.

Moses confronted Pharaoh with the demands of the Lord, ‘Let My people go’. Pharaoh and those around him laughed and made the lives of the Israelites worse than before. A power struggle ensued between the God of Israel and the gods of Egypt. The Israelites suffered during this confrontation, but if we’re in any doubt who wins and will always win, read the story again in Exodus.

The final plague of the 10 plagues released on Egypt was the ‘Death of the First Born’, even down to the servants and livestock. After this the Egyptians were so keen for Israel to leave their land that they paid them/gave them all their valuables just to go. But the Lord hadn’t finished with Egypt, their army pursued Israel across the desert up to the Red Sea. God told Moses to part the sea (Exodus 14) and Israel crossed on dry ground. The chariots and the whole army of Egypt tried to follow them and perished.

And when the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant. Exodus 14:31

Israel trusted the Lord and His leader, Moses, after He’d given them victory over a more powerful enemy.  It was a new day for Israel, there was nothing of the old left to which they could return.

I’m not political at all, but I believe Donald Trump has been called as a deliverer for America today. I am aware of how the situation is developing, but God will have the final word as He always does.

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