Naaman and Cornelius, two gentile soldiers to whom the Lord revealed Himself in powerful ways.
Both these men were people of rank, yet it’s evident that they were both humbled before the Lord and received blessings.
Naaman came with his own expectations of how the prophet of God, Elisha, would come and minister to him, however, initially Elisha didn’t even come out to meet him. We’re all ready with our own opinions, but God often does things His way and in His time. Naaman was blessed with a creative miracle, new skin and returned to Elisha a different man, no longer in pride, but now with the attitude of a servant.
… for your servant will never again make burnt offerings and sacrifices to any other God but the Lord. 2 Kings 5:17
Naaman’s heart had been touched and henceforth he wanted to express his gratitude to the God of Israel, he was going to make offerings to Him alone.
Cornelius, the Roman Centurion, had been making prayers and offerings to the God of Israel and he had an encounter with an angel messenger.
The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God. Now send to Joppa to bring back a man named Simon who is called Peter. Acts 10:4, 5
We need to understand and remember that our prayers and offerings are known to God and recorded in heaven. This was the beginning of the Gentile Church and the taking of the Good News of Christ to the whole world. A tremendous moment for all of humanity.
From their positions as high ranking soldiers, Naaman (mentioned by Jesus in Luke 4) and Cornelius, understood authority and submitted to the Lord. They recognised His authority, but more than responding from just a sense of duty (soldiers understand duty) they both wanted to give to Him out of sincere Love. We’re looking at two soldiers recorded in the Book who both had ‘hearts for God’, to love and serve Him.
The first of the seven churches recorded in Revelation 2 was the Church of Ephesus.
I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men… Yet I hold this against you: you have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from what you have fallen and do the things you did at first. Revelation 2:2, 4, 5
None of us knows what the New Year will hold, but people no longer take things for granted, the world has changed and also the Church. We can no longer walk out our lives by following ‘rote and ritual’(following from duty alone) we must be walking with the Lord and giving of ourselves and our substance to Him.
‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’. Matthew 6:21
Those things that we truly value will determine much of our steps in the coming season.
God bless and keep you all in 2021.