Do not let your hearts be troubled (don’t be upset/worried), trust Him. John 14:1, 27
Jesus was preparing His disciples for His departure and so He tells them twice in John 14, ‘Don’t let your hearts be troubled’. He was about to be crucified and they were about to be scattered, but He’s telling them, ‘don’t be troubled’. John 14:1 gives the answer, ‘trust in God, trust also in Me’. Things may look as if they are falling apart or have fallen apart, BUT GOD! But God still has the answer if we’re willing to listen to Him.
We’re all on a journey, our life’s journey and God knows the way we take. The situation we are facing may have been engineered by God to allow Him to deal with something or take us to the next level.
Hannah was a very troubled woman. She was childless because ‘the Lord had closed her womb’. 1 Samuel 1:5 Her rival, Peninnah, who had children, kept provoking her but her husband loved her and she cried much. Hannah had to pay a price to be a Godly woman, she experienced a lot of deep hurt and taunting from someone close to her. Hannah didn’t know why she was suffering so much pain, it hadn’t been revealed to her. Eventually she was so distraught that she went and poured out her heart in anguish before God. She came to the place where she made a pledge to God, if He’d give her a son then she’d give him to God all the days of his life. The future of God’s people was at stake and God needed a man who would be fully His and that man was Samuel. Hannah had to pay a price and suffer before God’s answer was revealed.
Another man, Nebuchadnezzar, a pagan king was troubled in a different way. He’d had a dream and knew it was important but he couldn’t understand it(once more someone who didn’t understand what was happening). He ordered his wisemen, magicians and enchanters to TELL HIM THE DREAM AND INTERPRET IT! When God sets something up the wisdom of this world can’t deal with it. He locks it up so that only He can reveal it and through who ever He’s chosen, in this case a Jewish exile, Daniel. God gave Nebuchadnezzar the interpretation of the dream and introduced him to Daniel and his friends. God was moving the situation around in the king’s court in Babylon to give His people a voice/influence.
God is working out His purposes for the coming Kingdom and His King. We have come here to earth for such a time as this and the plans for our lives will match with His when we’re willing to surrender our lives to God’s greater purpose.
He knows the way that we take, trust Him.
God bless and keep you today.