God’s Timing is sure, don’t give up, hold on!
We read the story of the Recabites yesterday, Jeremiah 35. The people of Judah and Jerusalem were about to be carried off to Babylon, seventy years in exile out of their inheritance. Before that happened God had Jeremiah call the whole family of the Recabites to rooms in the Temple. They had been faithful and obeyed their forefather Jonadab, lived as nomads and didn’t drink wine. God contrasted them to the people of Judah who’d ignored Him. He made a lasting promise to them (like David) that they’d always have a person to serve Him. In the worst of situations, God pronounced His blessing.
On the cross, Luke 23:40, Jesus was identified at death with the sinners. His cross separated the two unknown thieves. One thief hurled abuse at Him, while the other asked the Lord to remember him when He came into His Kingdom. Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, TODAY(from the cross to a crown in same day) you will be with Me in paradise”. Two men, hours from death, but the Lord graciously saved one who turned to Him.
Rahab, Joshua 2 & 6:22-25, sided with the Israelite spies against her own people and saved herself and her whole family. She’s commended in Hebrews and James for her faith. The entire city of Jericho was about to fall to the armies of Israel and be destroyed, but at the last moment (last minute .com) God allowed Rahab and her family to live and go with His people. King David was descended from Rahab, the woman of faith. Matthew 1:5,6
Jesus sitting alone (probably a crucial part of the whole story) at the well near Sycar, about midday, met the Samaritan woman. John 4 Jesus broke every rule by engaging her in conversation and eventually bringing her to faith in Him as Messiah. The woman who’d had five husbands and now was with someone not her husband, became the bridge to her whole community. Many believed her ‘and because of Jesus words many more became believers’. John 4:41 All because of a timely conversation at a well.
A word of personal testimony from events this week. Father’s Love received a gift late one afternoon and next morning a letter arrived asking for part payment of an outstanding bill. Hours before the letter came, God supplied the funds, truly He knows our needs even before we ask Him. It’s good to have up to date testimony of God’s faithfulness and so we say again hold on, God’s Timing is sure. Those who have sown will reap in joy, but no sowing, no crop.
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God bless and keep you today.