Learn from a family who were faithful and lived obedient lives. Jer 35

Fidelity (faithfulness) rewarded, disloyalty punished. Jer 35

The word ‘Fidelity’ has some interesting connotations;

1. Faithfulness demonstrated by ‘CONTINUAL’ LOYALTY & SUPPORT (has there been Lasting support).

Sexual faithfulness to a spouse (intimate relationship).

2. The DEGREE OF EXACTNESS with which something is copied or reproduced (how True it is to the original).

God used the Recabite family in Jeremiah 35 to contrast their obedience to an ancestor Jonadab with Israel’s (Judah’s) unfaithfulness to Him.

The Recabites had gone into Jerusalem to escape the Babylonian and Aramean armies(Jer 35:11), so Jeremiah brought them all into the House of the Lord(the whole family were present before God). Jer 35:3,4 God Himself told Jeremiah, the Lord’s Prophet, to give them wine to drink; but they were not awed by the prophet nor by being in the Holy Temple and they refused to drink(they stood as one, a large family together). Put simply the Recabites kept their vow and obeyed their ancestor, the very thing for which God commended them. There are some things on which we as believers must take our stand, we can’t compromise nor accommodate the views of others(maybe even believers who’re not called to our walk), no matter how influential they are.

God told Jeremiah to go to the people in Jerusalem and say, ‘Will you not learn a lesson and obey my words?’ declares the Lord. Jonadab son of Recab ordered his sons not to drink wine and this command has been kept. To this day they do not drink wine, because they obey their forefather’s command. But I have spoken to you again and again, yet you have not obeyed Me. Again and again I sent all My servants the prophets to you. Jer 35:13,14,15

God emphasises that this clan obeyed/honoured their forefather’s command, but Judah had not obeyed the Lord. He also says twice that He’d spoken to them ‘again and again’ but they didn’t listen(God speaks before He judges). Jonadab’s command separated generations of his family from many others around them. He framed a different life for them(nomads), but God noted and acknowledged their fidelity to the command. In the midst of great upheaval, we may experience some more of this in our days, God blessed the Recabites. Judah was going into exile, God had finally had enough of them, but this faithful family received an eternal blessing. God gave them His word that they had been found faithful and would always have someone serving Him. Faithfulness is rewarded.

Fidelity; continual/ongoing loyalty, cleaving to God alone, following/allowing the character and nature of Christ to be formed in us.

May we be found faithful as this ancient family, forsaking distraction to follow and obey God alone.

God bless and keep you this day and every day.


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