The Spirit softens our lives to produce a crop for eternity.

The Spirit softens our lives to produce a crop for eternity.

The second part of Psalm 65 speaks a lot about water and it’s contrast in the world and in the Hand of God. Water can be a great blessing, indeed the very Water of Life, a necessity for Life itself. But it can also be very powerful and destructive. We had a storm pass through Ireland this past weekend and the seas were magnificent but we wouldn’t have wanted to be out on them.

Who STILLED the Roaring of the seas, the Roaring of their waves and the Turmoil of the Nations. Psalm 65:7

In the Bible the seas can represent the nations, all of humanity and the words used to describe them are the ‘Roaring’ twice and Turmoil. That’s a picture of our world at present, mankind is in Turmoil, and there’s much Roaring and Raging on the earth, but God STILLED the seas. We may think conditions are bad at present but without God they’d be much worse! For those who are going through storms in our personal lives we can ASK GOD TO CALM OUR SITUATIONS AND WE CAN SPEAK TO THE STORMS AROUND US TO BE STILL. I met a young apostle from Greenland called Niels and I was told by his friend that he’d  gone to the front of a ship in a storm and commanded the sea to be still and God honoured His Son.

The rest of the Psalm 65:8-13 is much gentler in nature and shows God’s love towards His people;

You CARE for the land and water it; You enrich it abundantly. The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with corn, for so You have ordained it. You drench its furrows and level its ridges; You soften it with showers and bless its crops. Psalm 65:9, 10

Ground can’t produce anything until the soil’s been softened, until the rain has fallen on it. God has to soften our lives too so that we can produce a crop. The ‘furrows and ridges’ (low and high places) alike have to experience the rain of the Spirit and the Word before we become softened and able to bring forth a harvest.

You crown the year with Your bounty (this year isn’t over yet) and Your carts overflow with abundance. The grasslands of the desert (even dry places) overflow; the hills are clothed with GLADNESS(Amen).  The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with corn; they shout for joy and sing. Psalm 65:11, 12, 13

This Psalm is a beautiful picture of God’s graciousness and kindness, He provides abundantly for mankind, but I believe it also speaks of His hand in our lives. He works patiently and gently with us to produce fruit for the kingdom. Take some time today to submit afresh and thank Him, the Creator of all, for His care for us.

God bless and keep you this day.


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