Waiting daily at the king’s gate/door is the way to a closer walk with God. Esther 8:1,2

Waiting at the gate, the way into the king’s presence.

Mordecai was a man who waited patiently at the king’s gate(Esther 6:10,12) and perhaps this was his only way of hearing about Esther inside the palace. Even after his enemy Haman had led him on the king’s horse through the city he ‘returned to the king’s gate’. Esther 6:12 We’re not told how long Mordecai sat waiting, but it was more than a year before Esther went to the king, she too had to wait and prepare, then she was married and became his Queen.

In Proverbs 8:34,35 Wisdom gives us her invitation;

Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord. But whoever fails to find me harms themselves; all who hate me love death.

We need to find Wisdom to receive favour from the Lord, but like Mordecai we too may have to wait to be invited.

I said on Spreaker yesterday that Esther 8:1,2 has two great  Transfers, but actually there are three. Verse 1 tells us that Mordecai ‘came into the presence of the king, for Esther told how he was related to her’. Mordecai moved from outside the gate to inside the palace, a great change in the level of influence and intimacy. It happened because the king moved from his side and put an end to Haman, Mordecai had been faithful but ultimately it was the king who made the way.

Mordecai waited faithfully/positioned himself to be as close to the king as possible for some time. To come into that closer place, which we need to be in today, so must we. The change in world circumstances has opened the way for some of us to wait more in His presence, don’t waste this time.

The other two transfers in Esther 8:1,2 are firstly, wealth from our enemies, Haman’s entire estate went to Esther (a type of the Church today). Secondly, authority from the king. I believe that the mature Church will have delegated authority to declare and decree on earth as it is in heaven.

There is more for all of us today and I believe waiting at the gate/doorway of the king is the place to begin.

God bless and keep you all today.

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