While we wait, God works. Esther 5

Waiting for the Lord’s hand to move on our behalf. Esther 5

It’s said that WAITING is more difficult than working! There’s something in the human condition (especially modern man) that doesn’t like waiting, perhaps we find it an affront to our egos.

Esther may well have been restrained by the hand of God Himself as He moved to quietly undo the enemy’s trap for the annihilation of the Jewish people. As we read the story of Esther in this crucial period we see that the timing of God was very delicate and precise. One presumptuous move could have destroyed all that God was orchestrating behind the scenes. We too need to be careful and sensitive to the purposes of God in pivotal situations in our lives.

Esther ‘put on her royal robes’ and approached King Xerces  in the ‘inner court of the palace’. What would be the Christian equivalent of ‘dressing in royal robes to go into the inner court’? The king received her with favour, though he hadn’t called for her. He rightly assumed that she wanted to request something from him and assured her to go ahead and make her request. Esther invited the king and Haman (her arch enemy) to come to her banquet. The king again asked what she wanted of him, but Esther postponed her request for a further day;

Esther replied, “My petition and my request is this: if the king regards me with favour and if it pleases the King to grant my petition and fulfil my request let the king and Haman come tomorrow to the banquet I will prepare for them. Then I will answer the king’s question”. Esther 5:8

That very night God’s hand moved to deliver His people! Mordecai had saved the king’s life but never received any recognition. The Lord saw that it was brought to Xerces’ attention that very night and Haman’s downfall began.

Esther sat in the presence of her husband, the king, and her arch enemy. It would have been so easy to have blurted out what she wanted. Haman was sitting right before her, it must have taken a lot of self control not to give way to her own emotions and the murderous threat to her people. But she requested them both to return the next day and God’s perfect plan began to unfold.

The lesson for us today; WHILE WE WAIT, GOD WORKS.

God’s Timing is always perfect and oft times, IF WE WAIT, its only afterwards that we realise He’s been at work in our situations.

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God bless and keep you and give you strength to WAIT for His deliverance in the day of testing.



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