God often moves in hiddenness, unseen by men Esther 1

Make sure we’re following God’s Agenda, not plans of men.

God’s Agenda is often hidden and not obvious to everyone! It is to the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings to search out a matter. Prov 25:2

The world today is influenced and in many places led by a Godless(opposite of Godly) media. It’s amazing the number of mature believers who are completely misguided by their message. We are being CONTINUALLY CONDITIONED to swallow and accept directions contrary to the Lord’s will. The more savagely someone or something is being attacked and abused in the media, the more careful we believers need to be to ask why? There’s often a deluge of information, typical propaganda, repeated over and over until it’s embedded in people’s thinking, AS IF IT’S OUR OWN. Repeating it to others further establishes it in our minds.

The Book of Esther begins with a major change in the status quo(existing state of things). Queen Vashti refuses to appear at the summons of the king and is expelled from the king’s presence. The Lord’s hand then raises up Esther and Mordecai as a preparation for the deliverance of His people. Mordecai wisely instructs Hadassah/Esther not to reveal her background or her people, hence there’s a hidden element in this plan of God. People say that God’s Name is never mentioned in the book, however it is there several times, HIDDEN as an acrostic, first or last letters spelling the Name of the Lord, similar to some psalms. This may have been a safeguard for the Jews living in exile in Babylon.

God moves in a mysterious way/ His wonders to perform;/ He plants His footsteps in the sea/ And rides upon the storm. William Cowper(1731-1800) There’s no trace of God in the sea nor on the storm.

Believers need to beware that oftentimes God does not shout His plans from the rooftops, but the enemy will try to attack where His hand is moving. Beware what is being shouted at us from the media today.

God bless and keep you this day and everyday.


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