… you are now doing more than you did at first. Rev 2:19

The Days of Awe, days of reflection and repentance on our personal walk with the Lord. These ten days begin with a ‘Feast’, New Year and ends with a ‘Fast’, Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement(like book ends holding the pages of our book).

I was reading in Revelation 2 this morning when Jesus was speaking to John about the Churches of that day. To the Church in Thyatira, He said,  “I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance and THAT YOU ARE NOW DOING MORE THAN YOU DID AT FIRST”. Rev 2:19 We’re not told how the Lord measured the work of this Church but in some way they had ‘upped their game’. We may think we are doing enough or that we couldn’t do more but often we’re capable of doing much more than we think. Does the Lord have more for us in this new season? Why not ask Him to show us what He’s got for us in this New Year of 5781 and be willing to be stretched!

Alongside this I’ve heard that the Lord spoke to a saint and said that there was a lot of ‘uncommanded work’ going on in the body. WE think of things to do in our churches or ministries and then expect the Lord to bless our agendas. The Church in Thyatira must have been doing the Lord’s work and not their own, because He praised them for their increase. They’d heard correctly and were working harder to get things done.

Derek Prince said it’s not enough to read our Bible(a remarkable statement from a man who taught the Word as few others have) though that is essential. We need to hear the ‘Voice of God’ speaking to us and telling us what He has for us to do next. May I say that if God has given us life here on earth, then He  still has more for us to do(Selah, pause and consider). Maybe we only need to do one thing that could have an impact for the King and His Kingdom; Nehemiah built the wall!

May the Lord open all our eyes and increase our expectations to do more for Him than before.

Truly, With God all things are possible.

God bless and keep you today.



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