Rosh Hashanah, literally ‘head of the year’, Jewish New Year
Jewish holidays begin in the evening, so many Jews celebrate at home(tonight), often with family and friends, sharing dinner together. Much of Judaism is based in the home, for example the Shabbat meal. Special foods are eaten to celebrate New Year, such as apples dipped in honey, looking forward to ‘a sweet year’. A special round ‘Challah’ bread is also eaten, bread can signify brokenness and repentance. The ‘round’ bread can represent the ‘passing of the seasons’, a full cycle, or it can also mean ‘a crown’ which is meaningful for believers.
The sounding of the Shofar or ram’s horn is important for New Year, it can be sounded 100 times over the course of the day. Lev. 23:24 calls for a memorial blowing of horns, a loud noise. The sounding of the horn can be a WAKE UP CALL to people to consider their ways and turn to the Lord. It can also commemorate the creation of Man by God. Abraham also prepared to sacrifice Isaac, but used the ram caught in the thicket instead.
On the Spreaker broadcasts we have been going through the book of Nehemiah and with no manipulation on my part we have arrived at Nehemiah 8 for today’s reading. This chapter of Nehemiah is read in Synagogue on Rosh HaShanah to commemorate the reading of Torah to the people in Ezra and Nehemiah’s time. After the Jewish exiles had stood from daylight to midday listening and being taught, they were told to ‘go to their homes and enjoy sweet food and choice drinks’! Neh 8:9,10 There was to be no crying or grieving, they’d come back to their land for a new beginning and God told them to celebrate.
For us as believers we can use this time to ask the Lord if there’s anything He wants us to change or get rid of from our own lives. We too can use this Kairos time to make a fresh start for our own lives. Repentance and turning back to the Lord brings joy.
This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the lord is your strength. Neh 8:10
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May the Lord bless you as we enter New Year.