Hananiah, the man of Integrity who feared God more than most! Neh 7:2

Another ‘Character Snapshot’.

Last Tuesday 15, we saw that the man called Baruch son of Zabbai ‘zealously’ repaired a section of Jerusalem’s Wall. Neh 3:20 We are told nothing else about him, but his work alone of all the builders is described as ‘zealous’(fervent, dedicated, devoted, enthusiastic). Something about this man’s work stood out from all the many people labouring on the wall.

Hananiah means, ‘Yahweh is Gracious’ or ‘Yahweh has Favoured’.

I put in charge of Jerusalem my brother Hananiah, the commander of the citadel, because(here’s the Snapshot) he was a Man of Integrity and Feared God more than most men do. Neh 7:2

I was in a Church Meeting many years ago when a couple were being placed into office as elders of the Church and this verse was read out. Hananiah was being placed into office as the one responsible for Jerusalem and his character was highlighted, ‘because he was a man of integrity(that was ‘his word’) and feared God more…’ Character is often the reason for true promotion in Kingdom affairs.

We first meet Hanani, or Hananiah, at the very beginning of Nehemiah’s story. Neh 1:2 He and some other men had travelled from Jerusalem to their brothers in Babylon, a 4 month journey Ezra 7:8,9 Nehemiah questioned them about the Jewish remnant and Jerusalem. He was very saddened about the state of the Jewish homeland.

Hananiah knew the state of things, but it was only after he made the long journey and relayed them to Nehemiah that something was done. His part was to tell Nehemiah and the leaders in Babylon. Nehemiah then went to king Artaxerces for permission and help to rebuild the wall and gates of Jerusalem. The Lord can reveal something to us and we may well have a part to play in it BUT we need to seek Him for His plan and not just jump in! Hananiah played his part, he was faithful and God used him. We need the Lord to show us the roles He has for us and allow Him to raise us up when the time comes.

May God give us Integrity and a greater Fear of the Lord in our own life and character. Make this your own prayer.

May God bless and keep us today.



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